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内容摘要 自从1998年我国的监理制度正式建立以来,建设监理在工程建设中己经起到了重要作用,推动了我国整个建设行业的现代化和市场化进程,取得了令人瞩目的成就。但同时也应该看到,到目前为止,我国的建设监理还不成熟、不完善,建设监理企业的核心竞争力普遍不足。尤其是加入WTO使得建设监理企业的核心竞争力不足的问题变的尤为突出和紧迫,在一定程度上制约和影响了建设监理事业的健康发展。基于此背景,本文主要研究了建设监理企业核心竞争力的基本理论,论述了建设监理的概念、任务和实施建设监理意义,并在结合核心竞争力理论的基础上,以广州市汇源通信建设监理有限公司为例,深入探讨了建设监理企业核心竞争力普遍不足的现状,并从内部原因和外部障碍两个方面对现状形成的原因进行了深入剖析;最后,探讨了我国建设监理企业核心竞争力的培育对策。 关键词:建设监理;核心竞争力;对策 Abstract Since the Construction Supervision System (CSS) was established in China in 1998, it has played an important role in the project construction, promoted the modernization and marketlization in construction industry of China, and made marked progress. On the other hand, the CSS in China is not ripe and perfect up to now. The core competence of the construction supervision corporation is inadequate. In particular, Chinas entry into WTO makes the problem striking and urgent, and, to some extent, restricts and influences the sound development of construction supervision industry. Based on this background, the thesis mainly studies the basic theory of core competence in construction supervision corporation, discusses the concept, task and meaning of CSS; in view of the core competition theory, taken Guangzhou Huiyuan company as an example, the thesis discusses the cultivation measures for core competence in construction supervision corporation of our country, proposes that making plan is the presupposition, the creation of customers value is the goal; only by carrying out human resources development, corporation culture innovation and the perfection and innovation of many-sided conveyance, and idealization of business process in supervision corporation. Key words: Construction Supervision Core Competence Strategy 目 录 一、建设监理企业核心竞争力概论 1 (一)建设工程监理的概念 1 (二)建设工程监理的性质 1 (三)核心竞争力的概念 1 (四)监理企业核心竞争力的特征 2 二、汇源通信建设监理公司核心竞争力问题及原因分析 3 (一)公司简介 3 (二)公司核心竞争力问题分析 3 (三)公司核心竞争力存在问题原因分析 4 三、完善汇源通信建设监理公司核心竞争力对策 5 (一)以顾客价值为导向 6 (二)加强人力资源开发 6 (三)走联合发展道路 6 四、结 论 7 参考文献 8 一、建设监理企业核心竞争力概论 (一)建设工程监理的概念 建设工程监理是指具有相应



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