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摘 要 目前好多学校还停留在宿舍管理人员手工记录数据的最初阶段,手工记录对于规模小的学校来说还勉强可以接受,但对于学生信息量比较庞大,需要记录存档的数据比较多的高校来说,人工记录是相当麻烦的。 旧的手工纪录的宿舍管理方式已经不能适应高速发展的信息化时代,新的宿舍管理系统开发出来之后,学校的现有的宿舍信息管理将有很大的改观,由过去的人工方式转变为计算机方式,由效率低、数据冗余、易产生错误转变为检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大。这些优点能够极大地提高效率,也是学校科学化、正规化管理的重要条件。 管理信息系统在现代社会已深入到各行各业,由于计算机技术的迅速发展和普及,信息管理系统MIS事实上已成为计算机管理信息系统,大学生宿舍管理系统就是一个典型的管理信息系统,它可以让宿舍管理工作变的更轻松。 本毕业设计的任务就是设计一个学生宿舍管理系统,可以让宿舍管理工作变得很轻松,其开发过程中主要包括前端应用程序的开发和后台数据库的建立和维护方面。主要任务是建立基本数据,后台负责的主要都是管理功能。Mysql为本系统的后台数据库,以tomcat、 Myeclipse为前端开发工具。系统实现了 系统维护,宿舍管理 ,宿舍分配,学生管理,信息查询等功能。其操作简单,功能齐全,具有一定实用价值,界面美观,代码可读性好。 关键词:宿舍管理;Mysql;tomcat;Myeclipse ABSTRACT A lot of schools are still stuck in the initial stages of the dormitory management staff to manually record data,Manual records for some small schools will still be acceptable,but for the Large amount of student information and data of the university, Manual record is too difficult to resolve. The old manual records management hostels can no longer accommodate the rapid growth of the information age. The new hostel management system developed after the existing school hostel information management will be greatly improved, from the artificial changes to the computer by way of low efficiency, data redundancy, prone to errors into rapid retrieval, Search convenient, high reliability and large memory capacity. These advantages can greatly improve efficiency, as well as schools scientific, standardized management of important conditions. Nowadays, Management Information System is used by many calling. As a result, computer technology is developed and generalized rapidly, the Information Management System turns into Computer Management Information System in fact. The manage system of college students’ dormitory is emblematical Manager Information System, it can make the job of the management cushy. The task of this graduation design is to design a management system for college student’s dormitory, which can make the job of management easy. Exploitation comprises two sides of



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