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Max Shulman ;Max Shulman;Shulman was also a screenwriter. He was one of the collaborators on a television documentary, Lights Diamond Jubliee, which was supposedly a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the invention of the light bulb by Thomas A. Edison, but which was in reality little more than a public relations piece for the electric industry, as its predecessor film, Lights Golden Jubilee, had been 25 years before. After his success with the Gillis character, Shulman continued to write. His humor column, On Campus, was syndicated in over 350 collegiate newspapers at one point. A later novel, Anyone Got a Match?, satirized both the television and tobacco industries, as well as the South and college football. His last major successful project was his work on House Calls, which began as a 1978 movie based on one of his stories which starred Walter Matthau and Glenda Jackson, and later became a television series (1979-1981) starring Wayne Rogers and Lynn Redgrave in the same roles, for which he was the lead writer. ;;Charles Lamb (1775-1834);Thomas Carlyle ( 1795-188);Character ; Relationship ;Argument ;Logic Fallacies;2. 草率结论:由个别情形来推断普遍规则 Hasty Generalization : It applies a special case to general rule. Eg:You cant speak French. Petey Burch cant speak French. I must therefore conclude that nobody at the University of Minnesota can speak French.? 3.错误因果:导致某一现象的原因仅停留在表面上 Post hoc: The cause has no connection with the result. Eg:Lets not take Bill on our picnic. Every time we take it out with us, it rains.? ;4.矛盾前提:当论证的前提相互矛盾时,这立论便不能成立 Contradictory premises: when the premises of an argument contradict each other,there can be no argument. Eg:If God can do anything, can He make a stone so heavy that He wont be able to lift it?? 5.文不对题:并无关联的结论与前提 Ad misericordiam: answer has no connection with the question. Eg:A man applies for a job. When the boss asks him what his qualifications are, he has a wife and six children at home


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