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Unit1 (M1) enjoyable(adj.)有乐趣的,令人愉快的 (Something that is enjoyable gives you pleasure.) It was much more enjoyable than I had expected. 这比我预期的有趣得多。Acceptable(可接受的) comfortable(舒适的) unbelievable (难以置信的) enjoy vt.享有,享受;欣赏;喜欢;使过得快活 vi.使过得快活 He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full.他是个尽情享受生活的人。 I enjoyed playing cricket. 我喜欢打板球。 I must say I am really enjoying myself at the moment. 我得说此刻我感到非常愉快。 He enjoys a reputation for honesty. 他出了名地老实。Hes counting on his mother to take care of the twins for him because shes had much experience with them. In sth 他靠母亲帮忙照顾他的双胞胎她在这方面很有经验。 She had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine.经验告诉她在日常生活中要不时休息一下。 If you act afraid, they wont let go, he says, speaking from experience. “如果你表现出害怕,他们就会抓住你不放,”这是他的经验之谈。Moving had become a common experience for me. 搬家对我而言已经成了常事。 British business is now experiencing a severe recession. 英国商业现在正经历严重的衰退。我认为那一点为他赢得了极高的赞誉Companies must earn a reputation for honesty. 公司必须树立诚信的声誉。 I want him to respect me as a career woman. 我希望他把我当作一个职业女性来尊重。 I have tremendous respect for Dean.我非常敬重迪。SParents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated. 关于孩子的治疗方法,父母通常没有什么选择的余地。 Dr Shapland feels the system is not working most effectively in respect of professional training. 沙普兰博士认为系统在专业培训上的运作效率不是非常高。He decided to devote the rest of his life to scientific investigation. Devote to (doing )sth 他决定将自己的余生献给科学研究事业。 Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar.为了证明他是个骗子已投入了相当多的人力和财力。 Devoted to helping others, he has no time to take care of his own family. Devoting his whole life to helping others, he has no time to take care of his own family. literature(n.)文学 English literature英国文学 literary(adj.)文学的 a literary masterpiece 文学名著The average age was 42. 平均年龄为42岁。 The average person needs 2000 calories each day. 普通人每天需要2000大卡的热量。 8 ours of sleep on average should be enough. 一天平均睡8小时就够了。 Our wages are above average. 我们的工资在平均数以上。 Harry i


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