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本科毕业(设计)论文 (2012届) 题 目 教学院系 专 业 学生姓名 指导教师 评 阅 人 2012年06月01日 某公司总部办公区景观设计方案 摘要:公司总部景观设计方案立足于对总部办公区空间的合理利用,本着“人文性”、“整体性”、“区域性”、“文化性”、“生态性”的设计理念,通过游览观赏、滨水活动、入口景观、广场休闲、健身五大功能分区和富有公司文化特性的一级景观、秀丽宜人的二级景观之间相互作用,使景观使用功能与强烈形式感良好结合,满足了员工提高工作效率和提升生活质量的美好愿望,设计注重空间的开阔性与围合感,通过广场、林间休息区、景墙等形式,带给不同位置的游人不一样的景观享受,产生视觉上和心理上的不同感受。植物选择注重地域性,采用具有乡土特色的滇朴、云南山茶、云南黄馨和云南樱花为基调树种,加上各类观叶、观花和观形植物,通过乔、灌、草的搭配,营造出具有季节性和层次感的植物景观。该设计以理性与浪漫、人文与自然的协调统一为目标,理性的规划加上浪漫的心境,地域的风情加上公司独特的企业文化,生态的景观加上人为的精细雕琢,一方面营造良好的文化氛围,另一方面建立畅通的交通组织,打造宜人的生态景观,构建合理的整体布局,通过景观小品的点睛之效,力求塑造较为适合人性尺度的开放空间,更好地促进办公区景观与周边城市环境的良性互动。 关键词: 总部办公区 景观设计 Abstract: The company’s headquartered landscape design program based on the rational utilization of headquarters office space, the spirit of humanism, integrity and regional and cultural and ecological design concept, through the tour to watch,waterfront activities area, entrance landscape area, square, leisure area, fitness area five functional partition and rich corporate culture characteristics of a landscape, the interaction between the two landscape scenery and pleasant, a good combination with a strong sense of form, meet the staff to enhance landscape useefficiency and enhance the quality of life for the good wishes of the design space open and sense of enclosure, visitors not the same landscape through the form of a Square, the lounge area, the forest scene wall, bringing a different location to enjoy, and produce the visual andpsychological feelings. Plant selection to focus on regional, local color Yunnan Pu, Yunnan camellia, Huang Xin, Yunnan and Yunnan cherry flavor tone species, coupled with various types of foliage, flower, and the concept of shape plants, tree, shrub and grass withcreate seasonal and layering of landscape plants. The design rational and romance, culture and harmonization, rational planning coupled with a romantic mood, geographical style



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