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墨西哥合众国;简史;概 况;;墨西哥北邻美国,南接危地马拉和伯利兹,东临墨西哥湾和加勒比海Mexico North America, Guatemala and Belize in the south, east near the Gulf of Mexico and the caribbean.。;概 况;;This pictorial depicts the ancestors of Mexicans Aztecs states history. Legend has it that long ago, God of the sun in order to save the vagabond Mexican ancestors Aztecs, Tuomeng to them, if they see a snake dangling Eagle standing on a cactus, just the place to settle down. Living in the northern Mexico area of the Aztec Gods revelation in the sun, find the pattern described by the local settled down, established in Mexico city.这组图案描绘了墨西哥人的祖先阿兹台克人建国的历史。相传在很久以前,太阳神为了拯救四处流浪的墨西哥人祖先阿兹台克人,托梦给他们,只要见到鹰叼着蛇站在仙人掌上,就在那地方定居下来。居住在墨西哥北部地区的阿兹台克人在太阳神的启示下,找到图案中所描绘的地方定居下来,建立了墨西哥城。;;;;Aziz Turk is the capital civilization ruins of ancient Indian Empire -- Aziz Turk 阿兹特克文明遗址——古代印第安人阿兹特克帝国的首都 ;The Mayan civilization, formed in about 2500 BC, 400 BC built early slavery in the country, it is the city system. In 3 ~ ninth Century, the flourishing stage, declined in fifteenth Century, after a long time buried in the jungle. 玛雅文明约形成于公元前2500年,公元前400年左右建立早期奴隶制国家,它是城邦制。公元3~9世纪为繁盛期,15世纪衰落,此后长期湮没在热带丛林中。 Maya was first discovered in 1839. The Explorer Stephens led the team found the ancient Maya ruins in Central America tropical rainforest in Pyramid: magnificent, rich palaces and with strange hieroglyphics engraved on the stone floor of highly accurate calendar 玛雅遗址第一次被发现在1839年。探险家史蒂芬斯率队在中美洲热带雨林中发现古玛雅人的遗迹:壮丽的金字塔、富有的宫殿和用古怪的象形文字刻在石板上的高度精确的历法。 ;;Maya, a world cultural heritage. The step Pyramid famous for. The function of Pyramid and Egyptian pyramids very different. The Pyramid of Egypt is the tomb of the Pharaoh, the inside is empty; but the Mayan Pyramid is solid, is actually a big Pyramid Pyramid small, in addition to the tomb of the kings function, but also some religious activities at the top of the tower and the tower.玛雅遗址,世界文化遗产。以阶梯型金字塔出名。此金字塔的功能和埃及金字塔很大不同。埃及的金字塔是法老的陵墓,里面是空的;但玛雅人的金字塔是实心的,实际是大金字塔包小金字塔,除了有国王陵墓的功能外,在塔顶和塔外还进行某些祭神活动。;玛雅文明最大


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