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题 目 电子指南针设计 学生姓名 学号 电子信息工程专业级班 2016年月日 电子指南针设计 作者 指导老师: 对静止物体无法直接定向;;;The ?designs?of ?electronic?compass Author:ZhangMing (Grade 12, Class 4, Major of Electronic information engineering, Institute of Ohysics and Telecommunication Engineering ,Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong , Shaanxi) Tutor: Shuai Chunjiang Summary: Current mainstream positioning devices exist for stationary objects cannot be directly targeted ills, such as the needle of the compass, which is mainly composed of part is a root mounted on the shaft can freely rotate the needle, the needle in the magnetic field can remain in the tangential direction of the magnetic meridian. This design adopts hmc5883 as three-axis magnetic sensor, the sensor data is processed by SCM, and will measure the value by 12864 LCD display, and can through the keyboard input angle value and hmc5883 measuring angle value difference processing to realize the fast orientation, if the current position and set the range over the set of values is generated alarm. The design of deviation is less than 0.1 degrees, a fixed internal structure can simply and other electronic system interface and positioning speed faster and less error, replace the old the needle of the compass, bringing more convenience for the peoples daily travel. Keywords :Single Chip Micyoco; compass; HMC5883; LCD 目录 1 引言 1 1.1 课题背景及意义 1 1.2 课题现状及发展趋势 1 1.3 课题内容 1 2 总体方案设计 2 2.1 设计要求 2 2.2 系统基本方案选择 2 2.2.1 单片机芯片的选择方案 2 2.2.2 传感器方案选择 2 2.2.3 显示模块的方案选择 3 2.2.4 按键模块的方案选择 3 2.2.5 供电电源模块的方案选择 4 2.2.6 报警模块的方案选择 4 2.2.7 串口电路的方案选择 4 2.3 总体方案 4 3 系统设计原理 6 3.1 单片机控制模块 6 3.1.1 STC89C52的简介 6 3.1.2 STC89C52管脚功能 6 3.1.3 单片机主控制模块电路 8 3.2 HMC5883L传感器模块 10 3.2.1 HMC5883简介 10 3.2.2 电源管理 10 3.2.3 I2C接口 10 3.2.4 置位/复位带驱动的H-桥式电路 10 3.2.5 寄存器访问 10 3.2.6 工作原理 11 3.3 声音报警电路 11 3.4 LCD12864液晶屏模块 12 3.4.1 外形尺寸 12 3.4.2 模块引脚说明 12 3.4.3 液晶显示模块概述 12 3.4.4 接口时序 13 3.4.5 显示原理 14 4 系统软件设计 15 4.1 HMC5883L与单片机通信设计 15 4.2 LCD12864人机界面软件


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