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目录 1. 绪论 1 1.1 研究的目的和意义 1 1.2 常见的几种精密播种装置 3 1.3 课题主要研究内容 4 2. 电磁振动式棉花精密播种装置的设计 4 2.1 电磁振动播种装置的整体设计方案 4 2.2 机架的设计 6 2.3 电磁振动排种器的设计 6 2.3.1 电磁振动排种器的工作原理 6 2.3.2 种子的受力分析 8 2.3.3 种子的运动分析 10 2.3.4 电磁振动式棉花精密排种器主要参数的设计 11 2.3.5 排种盘基本结构尺寸 12 2.4 分流回收装置的设计 14 2.4.1 分流通道的基本结构及动作过程 15 2.4.2 孔的设计 16 2.4.3 电磁铁和弹簧的选择 18 2.5 钵盘输送机构的设计 19 2.6 其它附属设备 20 3. 结论 20 结束语 21 参考文献 22 致谢 23 分流式电磁振动棉花精密排种装置的设计 学生:万子明 指导教师:刘永洪 摘要:棉花营养钵育苗移栽是具有中国特色的植棉手段之一,在我国内陆棉区已得到较大规模的推广应用。实现棉花机械化精密播种是进行棉花工厂化制钵育苗的关键,但是近些年来,对棉花种子尤其是光籽棉种机械化精播的研究及相关设备几乎是空白。本课题在对多种播种装置的比较研究的基础上,提出了电磁振动式棉花精密播种的思想。为了实现光籽棉种的单粒精播,设计了电磁振动式棉花精密播种装置,该装置主要包括电磁振动排种器、分流回收装置和钵盘输送机构。通过对电磁振动排种器工作原理的分析,得出了实现种子连续前移的条件,在此基础上完成了对电磁振动排种器的参数选择,在保证棉种单列有序排列的前提下,完成了排种盘基本结构尺寸的结构设计;根据棉种的形状尺寸设计出了孔的形状尺寸和分流装置的结构形式。实现了种子的单粒精密播种,单粒率达到了90%以上。 关键词:棉花,电磁振动,精密播种,控制 Design of Diffluence Electromagnetic Vibration Cotton Precision Seeding Device Student:wanziming Teacher:liuyonghong Abstract:Growing and transplanting seedling of cotton, which is one of Chinese cotton planting methods has been widely applied and popularized throughout the cotton planting areas in our country. The key process of industrialized bowl-making and growing of cotton is the realization of mechanically precision seeding, but the study on the technology and equipment of mechanically precision seeding of cottonseed is still blank. In this paper, electromagnetic vibration precision theory used in cotton precision seeding was put forward firstly. Electromagnetic vibration cotton precision seeder was designed to realize precision seedling of bare cottonseed. This seeder was composed of three parts, which were electromagnetic vibration feeder, diffluent device and bowl feeding device. Through theory analysis of the feeder, the continuous slippage condition of cottonseed was gained, which provided theory base for the design of electromagnetic vibration feeder. And on the base of ordinal single-line of cottonseed the structure dimensions of electromagnetic vib


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