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“引起,导致”的翻译 在专业英语中,往往需要表达“因果关系”,这是常见的现象。 当我们表述因果这一逻辑关系时,往往是前因后果,这样在汉语中就有“引起”或“导致”等这样的字眼。 在英译时,有下列两种表达方法: 1)may/will/can bring about 及 may/will/can give rise to…, 如:温度的变化会使金属棒的长度发生变化。 Changes in temperature may (will, can ) bring about changes in the length of the bar. 2)may/will/can produce,may/will/can cause, 如:降低压力会导致气缸内冷凝 A drop in pressure may/will/can produce (cause) cylinder condensation. 上述两种译法实际意思完全相同。所不同之处是:前者为词组,后者是单词。 另外,应当注意的是:在汉语句中有时没有“引起”、“导致”这样的字眼,而用“使”字。如“压力降低会使气缸冷凝”一句话中的“使”字就有“引起”和“导致”的意思,译时应当注意。 “比较”的翻译 “比较”是一个常用的专业概念,其表达方法也很多而且复杂,这里讨论英译汉时如何表达“比较”这一概念。 表示“比较”的标准句型为“比较级形容词 +than…”的结构,如: 钢比铸铁要贵得多。 Steel is much more expensive than cast-iron. Steel is a much more expensive material than cast-iron. 用as构成的比较结构也是比较的标准句型 用not so…as…的结构,如 上句还可以译为: Cast-iron is not quite so expensive as steel. Cast-iron is not quite such an expensive material as steel. 译为“ as…as…”句型,如: 铸铁和钢几乎有同样的用处。 Cast-iron is almost as useful as steel. Cast-iron is almost as useful a material as steel. 除上述标准句式以外,还有许多与“比较”有关的概念。 1)“与…比较”:译为Compared with…,As compared with…,in comparison with…,如: 与螺旋桨推进的飞机比较,喷气机的着陆与起飞速度较高,因而需要较长的跑道。 Compared with/As compared with/In compared with propeller-driven aircrafts,jet aircrafts have higher landing and take-off speeds and therefore need longer ways. 另外,还有一个 “与…比较” 的译法是:in contrast to…,它着重强调“对照”,也就是说二者差别较大。如: 与传导和对流的原理不同,辐射可在完全真空中进行。 In contrast to the mechanisms of conduction and convection,radiation may take place in a perfect vacuum. 2)“与…相似”:译为be similar to…/like…及be similar/alike in…,如: 这台机器与那台机器在设计上相似。 This machine is similar to (like) the other one in design. 当比较的双方均处于主语位置时,便可用be similar/alike in…,如: 这两台机器在许多方面都相似。 These two machines are similar (alike) in many respects. 3)“与…一致”:译为 agree with…,accord with…, coincide with… 及 be in agreeme


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