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外研版 高二年级(选修8) Module 1 Reading Practice 极光 Look at the title of the passage. Write down a question which you hope the writer will answer. Fill in each paragraph the main idea and its supporting ideas. Paragraph Main idea /theme sentence Supporting ideas South poles? How many are there? Is it safe? There are three south poles. 1. a ceremonial pole 2. a geographical pole 3. a magnetic pole There’s a severe risk that you will damage your eyesight or get badly sun burnt. 1. high altitude intense sunlight 2. It’s also reflected by the snow Is there anything good about the weather? What’s it like to live here? It’s possibly the calmest place on Earth. Life is quite abnormal. 1. Sunrise and sunset, total absence of daylight in the winter 2. totally isolated 1. The air is very pure. 2. It doesn’t snow very much. 3. There’s very little wind and the sky is usually clear. Where do we live? Any other advice? The south pole scientific station is situated on a plat form of ice 1. a min of 28 people living here in the winter and a max of 125 people in the summer 2. The living quarters are modest, with few luxuries, but cosy. There are some important things to remember in the south pole. 1. Conventional equipment doesn’t always work as it should do. 2. Don’t leave any rubbish. 3. Remember it’s not a right to be here. 1. …the glare (强光) of the sunlight here is very intense (强烈的). glare n. ①耀眼的光 avoid the glare of the sun/the car’s head lights 避开耀眼的阳光/汽车前行的强光 The sunglasses are designed to reduce glare. 这些太阳镜是为了减少刺眼的光而设计的。 Language points The rabbit was caught in the glare of the car’s headlights. 兔子在耀眼的汽车灯照射下动弹不得。 ② 怒视/凝视/恶狠狠的注视 give sb a hostile glare 含故意地注视某人 v. ①发出炫目而令人不快的强光 The searchlight glared, illuminating (lighting up) the prison yard. 按照打发出强光,照亮监狱场地。 The sun is glaring (down) mercilessly form a clear sky. 透过晴空, 太阳正毒。 ② 怒目而视, 恶狠狠地盯视。 He didn’t shout; he just glared at me silently. 他没有喊叫, 只是默默地怒视着我。 I looked at he


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