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Discussion Now that robbery is not predictable, whether indoors or outdoors, in daylight or at night, what measures can we take to prevent it? What if it is a robbery with guns? Idea Sharing Discussion Stylistic Devices Develop a Paragraph of Sequential Actions Practical Writing I. Stylistic Devices (修辞格) Simile (明喻) Compare two different things with the similar point, using the word “as”, “like”, “as…as” or “as if”. Metaphor (暗喻) Compare two different things with the similar point, but the comparison is implied, not expressed with the word “as”, “like”, “as…as” or “as if”. It may use “be”. Writing—Stylistic Devices Repetition (重复) Repeat a sentence, in part or in whole, to add force and emphasis to the statements. It often goes with parallelism. Parallelism (排比) Use the same grammatical form to express ideas of the same importance. Writing—Stylistic Devices Antithesis (对偶) Use contrasting words or ideas in balanced forms to get force and emphasis. Rhetoric Question (设问/反问) Ask a question but seldom with a reply; the answer might be found in the text or in the tone. It is often used in argument and persuasion. Writing—Stylistic Devices Task 1 Point out the stylistic devices of the following sentences of Unit 7. Writing—Stylistic Devices 2. His dark eyes shone like polished glass; his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. 1. “Give it up, mother—,” he threatened. “Give it up.” Repetition (重复) Simile (明喻) Writing—Stylistic Devices 4. But why is he a black man? Why is he a Negro male with a worn T-shirt and shining eyes? Why is he not a white man? 3. Together, these young men are a kind of river one that is out of control, eating at the foundations of things we hold dear. Metaphor (暗喻) Rhetoric Question (设问) Parallelism (排比) Writing—Stylistic Devices 6. I wonder if he noticed us doing so. I wonder how it feels when people lock their doors at the sight of you. 5. I saw eternity;


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