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; Street Music;vacant lid barrel organ handle tap mop spotted;all of a sudden popcorn dance to the music rockabilly tunnel relay liveliness;relief side road quartet suite session saucer voluntary shrink;Read the passage and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea.; In Harlem, New York, some locals place a sound system by an open window, plug it into the electrical socket, and all of a sudden, there’s dancing in the streets.; Answer the questions.;What is everyone else doing as the music man plays his organ in Paris? Why is there suddenly dancing in the streets in Harlem?;Why does music echo in the London Underground? What is the disadvantage of recorded music?;What is the advantage of live music?; Answer the questions about the words in the box.;Can you point to a handle in your classroom?;Can you point to a plug and a socket in the classroom?;When you hear music with a good beat, what do you sometimes tap?;Work in pairs and discuss your answers to the questions.;How do you feel when you hear music on the street?;Language points;all of a sudden 突然间 突然传来了枪声和哭声。 All of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry. 灯突然熄灭了。 All of a sudden the lights went out. ;alive adj. 活着的,在世的;活跃的 一名间谍被活捉了。 A spy was caught alive. 她虽已年迈,但仍很活跃。 Although old she is still very much alive. alive 无比较级,只做表语。;注意alive, live, living三个词的不同: 在用法上:alive只做表语,live只做定语;alive多用于人,live只用于物,living既可用于人,又可用于物。 在词义上:三者都有“活的,活着的”之义,alive, live还可指“有生气的,活跃的”。;push one’s way through 推挤着从……中前进 试着从人群中挤过去。 Try and push your way though the crowd. 他从人群中挤出一条道到她那里。 He pushed his way through the crowd of people to get her. ;拓展;voluntary adj. 自愿的 他主动辞去了这份工作。 He made a voluntary decision to leave the job. 她在这家医院做义工。 She is a voluntary worker at the hospital. ;shrink v. 变小,减少 汽车销量一直在下降。 Car sales have been shrinking. 俱乐部成员由十人减到两人。 Club membership shrank from ten people to two. ;vacant adj. 空的,空缺的 那里有个空位,我们可以在那儿停汽车。 There is a vacant place over there where we can park. 空缺的6个职位有5个仍然空缺。 Five


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