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电子 机械 工程 2008 24 3 60 E lectro - M echan ical Engineering 2008. V l. 24 N . 3 * (, 210013) : 全球化与整合压力使得每 个行业的产品研发日益复杂, 尤其当企业必须同步日益复杂的 学科 研发环境时, 其影响更为突出由于研发工程师通常分散于不同地域, 采用不同的工具与应用软件, 传 统工艺下, 使用 ECAD的电子工程师无法迅速而全面地掌握使用 MCAD 的机械工程师的行动, 同样, 后 者亦不能掌握前者情况软件工程师的操作情况不为电子工程师所知通过对机电一体化设计中常见 问题的归纳和分析, 利用变更识别工具, 提出了电子和机械设计同步的方法, 并进 一步扩展到软件设计 之中, 创建改善沟通和协作的机会, 保证准时发布, 更高的质量, 及更低的研发成本 : 机电一体化; 工程设计; 变更管理 : TH 166 : A : 1008- 5300( 2008) 03- 0060- 05 BriefAnalyse n Intergral Design f Electr n, M achine and S ftware X IE Y aguang (N anj ing R esearch Institute of E lectron ics Technology, N anj ing 210013, Ch ina ) Abs tract: Pr duct devel pment is bec m ing m re and m re c mplex under the pressure f financial gl baliza ti n and integrating, especiallyw hen enterprisesmust synchr nize the increasingly c mplex mu lti- disciplinary devel pm ent envir nment. Because engineers usually l cated at different regi ns and used d ifferen t t ls r de sign s fwt are, in trad iti n w ay, electrical engineers using ECAD w as hard t kn w thew rk fmechanical en gineers usingM CAD w ell and tru ly, wh ile mechan ical engineers faced the sam e pr blem. S mi ilar things als happened n s ftw are engineers. Based n summarizing and analyzing fam ilar and c mm n pr b lem s in elec tr mechan ical integrati n design, by using change iden tify t l, the paper presented a m eth d synchr n izing the designs f b th electr n and mach ine, w hich w as applied in the design f in- h use s fwt are. Them eth d c uld create chances f mi pr ving c mmun icati n and c perati n, and theref re ensure tmi ly release, h


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