
Layered Audit Training 061102_Translation分层审核.pptVIP

Layered Audit Training 061102_Translation分层审核.ppt

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Layered Audit Training 061102_Translation分层审核

Layered Audit Process 分层审核 Purpose of a Layered Audit Reduce the number of non-conformances to existing procedures and policies 减少与现有流程和政策不符合的地方 Increase the frequency at which various levels of management perform audits 提高管理层不同层次审核的频率 Remove roadblocks to correcting unsatisfactory items 扫除障碍,修正令人不满意的地方 Standardize types of items audited / checked by plant personnel 对检查项目进行标准化/由工厂人员自己 What is a Layered Audit? An audit to assure non-conformances to the quality system are identified and corrected 保证确认质量体系中的不合格项被找出和纠正 Conducted by various levels of plant leadership 由工厂各个领导层来做 Typically conducted by first line personnel 最基础的是由一线操作人员来做 Supporting personnel from various functions 其次是各个功能部门的支持人员 Middle and upper plant management 工厂的中层和高层管理者参与进来 Covers the entire manufacturing facility 涵盖整个工厂各个区域 Departments 各部门 Shipping and Receiving 发货和来料部门 Maintenance 维护和保养部门 Fabrication 制造部门 Assembly 组装部门 Areas 各个区域 Shifts 各班次 How to Conduct a Layered Audit Review documentation 检查文件 Work instructions 作业指导书 Standardized work 标准化作业 Routings 路线 Control plans 控制计划 Standardized changeover instructions 标准化换班换机指导书 Observe department activities 观察部门活动 Observe workplace organization 观察车间组织 Document actual data / dates found during audit 记录审核过程中真实的数据/日期 Dates of incoming material (FIFO verification) 来料日期(先进先出验证) Date and / or time of last Control Plan check 上次控制计划检查的时间 Interview manufacturing personnel 与实际生产人员谈话 Do NOT adversely affect: 相反地不要影响以下各项 Safety 安全 Quality 质量 Production 生产 Layered Audit Checklist (816f1) Layered Audit Checklist -- Communication Interview Operators 考查操作人员 Awareness of quality issues (formal and informal) 对质量问题的认识程度(正式的和非正式的) Knowledge of alarm limits 对警戒线的了解 Use of control plans 如何运用控制计划 Verify that quality alerts are posted 确认质量警戒公布在生产区域 Layered Audit Checklist -- Workplace Organization Environment Check all material identification 检查所有的材料的识别 Incoming 进料 In-process 生产过程 Outgoing 发货 Re-work 返工 Scrap 报废 Containment 遏制 Verify material flow (FIFO) 验证物料流程(先进


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