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为什么重点在亚洲?具体计划是什么?如何分散投资风险? 经济增长,市场需求剧增;人均收入不高,更容易接受CeeCee的定价;职业女性日益增多,缺乏行业领导者,竞争不激烈 具体计划:一线城市试点-逐渐进入二三线城市-策略差异(高低端) * Cost-benefit? 形象气质更贴近职业女性 提升品牌质感 代言费较低(查相关资料) 短期合同 * 比例?重点? Budget? Effect? 提高到多少? * * * * Ethic issues Current status REPUTATION CONFIDENCE MORALE What to do? Ethic issues Negotiation Selection/Audit Cooperation Supplier Management Supplier Negotiation Selection/Audit Cooperation What to do? Ethic issues Supplier Environment Employee Product Laundry test Chemical test RD—healthy fabrics Energy saving Environment friendly material Recycle Recruitment Training Sound working condition Negotiation Selection/Audit Cooperation Part Ⅳ Conclusion Conclusion Smooth Operation Seek development Increase profit THANK YOU! By 5 Wings  Nancy Yuan  Maggie Xu  Elena Zhong Angela He Justin Li Lost profit of distributor’s strike Appendix Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % sales lost per 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Reasons to outsource distribution Appendix NPV for Jewellery Range Appendix * * * ? * * * * * * * 什么是价值链? 物流的重要性? 为什么会丧失客户忠诚度? * * 考虑成本与效益,各个方案的实施比例? 具体怎么帮助EIT恢复运输能力? * * * 具体的措施? 试运行-投入使用-Inspection Compare figures * Low cost-专业技能、组建IT系统的成本和日常维护、更新 High risk-hard to detect errors/hard to management and control/core competence * 人力、技术成本?职责分工? * * * 每个原因的具体解释? * Capital expenditure? Financing? Assumption: 每个品牌的单个店铺面积相同 具体扩张数量?成本?每个店面的预计收益? * Huazhong University of Sci. Tec. --- 5Wings Fast Fashion Chic and stylish —with a reasonable price Issues Facing CeeCee --- by 5Wings Background Issue Prioritization Analysis Recommendation Conclusion AGENDA Part Ⅰ Background Fast Fashion Model Background Design Supply Chain Price IT system Distribution AIM Focusing on up to the minute fashion styles for women at affordable prices. €million Sales Revenue of 2008 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th CeeCee overview Background CeeCee Part Ⅱ Issues Prioritization Issues prioritization C


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