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第 10 卷第 8 期2014 年 8 月中 国 安 全 生 产 科 学 技 术 Journal of Safety Science and TechnologyVol. 10 No. 8 Aug. 2014文章编号: 1673 - 193X( 2014) - 08 - 0052 - 06石材加工行业尘肺病危害风险评估研究高子清( 中国安全生产科学研究院,北京 100012)摘 要: 应用国际采矿与金属委员会风险评估模型( ICMM) 评估石材加工行业尘肺病风险。以 20 家石材加工企业为研究对象,运用 ICMM 模型的定量法和矩阵法分别评估 4 个重点岗位的尘肺病 风险,并与粉尘作业分级和文献报道进行结果验证。结果显示打磨、雕刻、切割和破碎 4 个重点岗 位的总粉尘和呼吸性粉尘浓度均超过职业接触限值,超限倍数范围 分别为 4. 3 ~ 85 倍和 3. 1 ~ 63. 3 倍。ICMM 定量法判定该 4 个重点岗位的Ⅲ期矽肺风险均为最高级风险水平( 不可容忍) ,矩 阵法判定该 4 个重点岗位Ⅲ期矽肺风险也均为最高级水平( 高风险) 。这些风险评估结果得到生 产性粉尘作业分级和文献报道的支持。结论为石材加工行业尘肺病发病风险非常高,ICMM 风险 评估模型可应用于石材加工行业职业健康风险评估。关键词: 石材加工; 风险评估; 尘肺病; 矽尘中图分类号: X96文献标志码: Adoi: 10. 11731 / j. issn. 1673-193x. 2014. 08. 009Study on risk assessment of pneumoconiosis hazard in stone machining industryGAO Zi-qing( China Academy of Safety Sciences and Technology,Beijing 100012,China)Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the risk of pneumoconiosis hazard in the industry of stone machining using an occupational health risk assessment model provided by the International Council on Mining and Metals ( ICMM) . Twenty stone machining factories served as the subjects. The quantitative and matrix methods in the ICMM risk as- sessment model were used to assess the risk levels of pneumoconiosis at four key work sites,which were compared with the results of the classification of occupational exposure to dust in workplaces and related documents regarding the occupational health examination. The results showed that both the total dust concentrations and respirable dust concentrations at the four key work sites ( namely,polishing,carving,cutting and crushing) surpassed the corre- sponding occupational exposure limits. The excursion limits ranged from 4. 3 to 85 and from 3. 1 to 63. 3,respec- tively. All the risks of Ⅲ-phase silicosis at the four key work sites were the highest levels ( unacceptable) using the quantitative method of ICMM. The highest levels of Ⅲ-phase silicosis risk were also found using the matrix method of ICMM. These results


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