[文学]molecular biology-第1章.ppt

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[文学]molecular biology-第1章

中心法则: 我将归来开放 因为我从来是那样 所以你以为我永远是那样 可是这一回你错了 我改变得令你难以想象 坏的终能变得好 弱的总会变得壮 谁能想到丑陋的一个蛹 却会变成翩翩的蝴蝶模样? 像一朵入夜的荷花 像一只归巢的宿鸟 像一个隐居的老哲人 我消逝了我所有锋芒与光亮 漆黑的隧道终会凿穿 千仞的高岗必被爬上 当百花凋谢的日子 我将归来开放! 李傲 科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。 ——爱因斯坦 中心法则是科学的,但不是绝对没有问题的! 如果达尔文的进化论是生物学的牛顿定律,中心法则就是生物学中的相对论! Is all genetic information contained in DNA? Instead of saying one gene, one polypeptide, we may describe the relationship as one polypeptide, one gene. The central paradigm of molecular biology: A sequence of DNA functions either by directly coding for a particular protein or by being necessary for the use of an adjacent segment that actually codes for the protein Development of multicellular organisms rests on the use of different genes to generate the different cell phenotypes of each tissue. The expression of genes is determined by a regulatory network that takes the form of a cascade. While such a series of interactions is almost certainly the means by which the developmental program is executed, we can ask: is it entirely sufficient? The nature and role of positional information all parts of a fertilized egg are not equal: one of the features responsible for development of different tissue parts from different regions of the egg is location of information (presumably specific macromolecules) within the cell. leads to… the existence of positional information in the egg: leads to the differential expression of genes in the cells subsequently formed in these regions which leads to the development of the adult organism which leads to the development of an egg with the appropriate positional information . . . 天問-屈原 曰:遂古之初,誰傳道之? 上下未形,何由考之? 冥昭瞢闇,誰能極之? 馮翼惟像,何以識之? 明明闇闇,惟時何為? 陰陽三合,何本何化? 圜則九重,孰營度之? 惟茲何功,孰初作之? 天問—屈原 請問:關於遠古的開頭,誰不能夠傳授? 那時天地未分,能根據什麼來考究? 那時是混混沌沌,誰能夠弄清? 有什麼在迴旋浮動,如何可以分明? 無底的黑暗生出光明,這樣為的何故? 陰陽二氣,滲合而生,它們的來歷又在何處? 穹窿的天蓋共有九層


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