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洛阳理工学院 11届毕业生毕业论文 应届毕业生回看大学生活的思考 ——基于对洛阳高校应届毕业生访谈的实证分析 姓 名:王 丹 学 号: 系 (部):社会科学系 专 业:社区管理与服务 指导老师:李文君 2011年6月1日 应届毕业生回看大学生活的思考 ——基于对洛阳高校应届毕业生访谈的实证分析 摘 要 该论文针对应届毕业生会回看大学生活的思考,对洛阳三所高校应届毕业生采用访谈的方法进行沟通了解。 通过访谈应届毕业生对大学满意情况:他们是如何度过及看待自己的大学生活得、如何看大学学习、他们眼中的大学活动、他们的迷茫、他们如何看大学氛围以及对大学教育的看法等,深入了解应届毕业生的大学历程,目前即将离开学校的一些感悟看法,总结大学生活并分析大学生活存在的问题:大学生活缺乏指导,学校对大学生的管理过松,大学里教学要求过低还有就是部分大学生素质过低等。集合这些应界毕业生对大学教育提出一些综合性建议:加强对大学生活的指导,强化校园文化氛围的营造,指导大学生职业规划,适当限制大学扩招,必须设立严格的淘汰制度,教学环境的改革,引导大学生的个人反思。 希望总结一批应届毕业生的大学心得,给予。 关键词:大学,应届毕业生,大学生活,大学教育 REFLECTIONS ON THE COLLEGE LIFE WHEN GRADUATES LOOK BACK ABSTRACT This thesis aims to fresh graduates will look back at what the life of university of luoyang thinking, three university graduates communicate using the interview method understanding. Through interviewing for university graduates satisfaction: how they spend and see yourself university life, how to see the university study, their eyes, their confusion university activity, how they see university education of university of atmosphere and opinion, in-depth understanding of university graduates, currently leaving school course, summarizes some feeling view college life and analyzing the university life problems: university life of college students lack of guidance, school of management, the college too loose teaching requirements too low and is part of college students quality too low. Assemble the education of university graduates should be bound put forward some Suggestions: to strengthen comprehensive university life guidance, strengthen the construction of campus cultural atmosphere, and guide students career planning, proper limits must set up strict university recruitment, the elimination system, the reform of teaching environment, and guide students to personal reflection. The purpose of the research is to summarize the experience of university graduates, give all are likely going to experience or are experiencing the life of university


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