[文学]跨文化交际 课件5.ppt

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[文学]跨文化交际 课件5

Amy Tan- the author Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California, in 1952, and now lives in San Francisco. The Joy Luck Club was her first and perhaps most well known book. It brought her great success and made her name known around the world. Any Tan and her mother In her stories, Tan blends Eastern and Western cultures, often by telling a Chinese story through American eyes, and vice versa. The story came from her relationship with her mother. They had fought throughout her childhood. Later, she gradually began to realize that one of their problems was that she did not understand her mother, who desperately wanted to be understood. A Brief Introduction The Joy Luck Club focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families who start a club known as the Joy Luck Club, playing the Chinese game of Mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods. Theme One of the powerful themes of the film is the exploration of how much the cultural identity of parents can influence the lives and values of the next generation. Characters As the novel opens Jing-Mei “June” Woo has just lost her mother, Suyuan, to an aneurysm (脑动脉瘤). She is asked by her mother’s three friends to take Suyuan’s place in their Mah-Jong foursome (四人一组) and their Joy Luck Club. Mothers Daughters Suyuan June Lindo Waverly An-Mei Rose Yingying Lena Misunderstanding — conflict – understanding Suyuan -- June Lindo – Waverly Yingying– Lena Anmei– Rose 谭恩美在小说中煞费苦心地将故事的开始置 很突出的位置———东方寓意是十分深刻的。 因为“东方是一切的开端,东方是太阳升起的地方,也是风吹来的方向。” 这里的东方有着深刻的象征意义。它不仅指地 理位置上的东方,而且也可能暗指中国以及悠 久的中国文化传统。 It symbolizes China and the long traditions of Chinese Culture. Four mothers ---- traditional Chinese Culture Four daughters – American Culture The conflict between mothers and daughters represents the conflict between Chinese culture and American culture. For the four daughters, to deny the Chinese culture, however, is to deny their cultural identity. For successful cross-


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