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TEACHING PLAN FOR ADVANCED ENGLISH BOOK ONE FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NINGBOUNIVERSITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar Words and Expressions Exercises Unit 2 Hiroshima—the Liveliest” City in Japan Background Information Words and Expressions Exercises Unit 3 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R. Words and Expressions Unit 4 Blackmail Background Information Words and Expressions Comparison of sarcastic, biting, caustic, cutting, sardonic Comparison of ridicule, irony and satire Satire Exercises Examples Unit 5 The Age of Miracle Chips Words and Expressions Unit 6 Mark Twain—Mirror of America About Mark Twain Early life Later years Modern reputation Words and Expressions Exercises Advance English Book 1 Unit 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar Words and Expressions bazaar 1An oriental market. 2A large shop, or arcade of shops, selling fancy goods, bric-a-brac, etc. 3A sale of miscellaneous (usu. second-hand) goods in aid of charity. Thesaurusnoun 1.an eastern bazaar market, market-place, mart, exchange, 2.the church bazaar, fair, sale, bring-and-buy. Gothic Aadj. 1Of or pertaining to the Goths or their language. 2 Designating the style of architecture prevalent inWestern Europe from the 12th to the 16th cent. of which familiar features include the pointed arch and the flying buttress; (of a building, an architectural detail, ornamentation, etc.) in this style. Bn. 1Gothic architecture, or ornamentation; Gothic style in literature etc. (Quotation: The attic floor of a decaying Gothic mansion inNorth Oxford.) cavern n. v. An. An underground hollow, a (vast) cave; a dark cavity. Quotation: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran through caverns measureless to man. Her eye sockets were caverns which revealed the skull. ) ThreadShe began threading a needle. She threaded the cowslip into my buttonhole. Lizards thread the sunken maze. The scarlet men were threading among the men of the congregati


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