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2011英语医学论文摘要写作II 摘要中时态和语态及其他注意事项 外国语学院 李晓梅 一、摘要中时态的应用 1)目的部分: 背景介绍:一般现在时或现在完成时 目的说明:一般现在时/现在完成时,或一般过去时 2)材料、方法和结果部分: 除指示性说明外,一律用一般过去时。过去完成时只用于说明研究前的情况或研究中某一点时间之前发生的情况。 例如 At the end of pregnancy, the hypothesis had increased 2.6mm in vertical, anteroposterior(前(后)位的), and transverse(横切的) dimensions (均指X光学中光束的方向))… 3)结论部分: 凡陈述研究的材料、方法和结果时,一律用过去时; 分析结果或发现的原因时,或者提出结论性意见时,如果作者认为具有普遍意义,可用现在时;如果作者认为自己的分析或结论只限于本研究范围或者仅是一种可能性,则用一般过去时为好。 二、摘要的时态举例 1) Use the present tense to define terms, to state a general hypothesis or to make a general claim 在报道性摘要(Informative abstract)中,介绍研究背景用一般现在时(别人的工作), 这是指作者写论文或论文发表时的当前情况。 For example 军团病Legionnaire’s disease (LD)菌现已能通过人工培养基培养。 The Legionnaire’s disease (LD) bacterium can now be readily cultured on artificial media. 咖啡具有几种可降低胆石(gallstone)形成的代谢作用(metabolic effects)。 Coffee has several metabolic effects that could reduce the risk of gallstone formation. 失眠Insomnia在老年人中是一种常见病,行为和药物治疗各有优点和局限性,但迄今尚无比较它们单独或联合治疗老年late-life失眠的效果对照研究(placebo controlled study)。 Insomnia is prevalent health complaint in older adults. Behavioral and pharmacological treatments have their benefits and limitations, but no placebocontrolled study has compared their separate and combined effects for late-life insomnia. 2) Present perfect tense is used to emphases the activities in the past still have some influence at present.介绍研究背景,有时用现在完成时, 现在完成时常用于报道性摘要中. For example 这些病人发病已来已随访了15-32年。 The patients have been followed for 15 to 32 years since the beginning of their disease. 肥厚型心肌病Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM)一直被认为是一种实质性致残疾病,据第三级转诊中心报告tertiary referral centers,每年死亡率达6%。 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) has been regarded as a disease that causes substantial disability, with annual mortality rates of up to 6%, based largely on reports from tertiary referral centers. 3) Present tense is used to introduce the content of research paper介绍本文的主题或内容用一般现在时 For example 本文报道3例脾破裂rupture of the spleen,并讨论了诊断方法。 Three cases of rupture of the spleen


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