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Thermoplastic Polyurethanes 聚氨酯材料 Compound Selection and Production of PUR Seals 材料的选择 及 生产工艺 Thermoplastic Polyurethanes 聚氨酯材料 Agenda 主要内容 Introduction 介绍 Strengths of Polyurethanes 聚氨酯材料的优点 Raw material description with influence to raw materials properties 原材料的选择及对性能的影响 Property examples of good materials 优秀的聚氨酯材料应该具有的性能 Compatability behaviour to Fluids 和介质的兼容性 Processes 生产工艺 Summary 总结 Thermoplastic Polyurethane Introduction 聚氨酯材料的简介 In order to fulfill the increasing lifetime requierements for Hydraulic Seals under severe conditions, you have to consider the selection of materials from different seal suppliers 为了满足日益增长的对液压密封件寿命的要求, 我们将不得不开发各种各样的聚氨酯材料。 Thermoplastic Polyurethane materials are based on the following raw Materials 聚氨酯是基于下面的原材料: Polyols 多氢化合物 Isocyanates 异氰酸盐 Cross Linking Agents 粘合剂 Thermoplastic Polyurethane Strengths of Polyurethanes 聚氨酯材料的优点 Good Thermoplastic Polyurethane materials should covering with -30°C to +110°C (short time 125°C) a large temperature range. The compatability to Mineral Oils, Synthetic Esters, HFA-Fluids and Water (temp. limit 60°C) is very good to excelent. 非常宽的温度使用范围, 一般是从-30C到+110C(短时间可至125C)。 可适用于不同的介质例如矿物油,合成脂, HFA, 和水(最高温度60C)。 Other characteristics 其他特性: High tensile and tear resistancy 拉伸应力和抗撕裂应力高 Low Compression Set, even at 100°C / 72h 永久压缩变形低, 甚至是在100C的72小时下 High extrusion and wear resistancy 抗挤出和耐磨行呢好 Excelent hydrolysis resistancy 耐水解性能好 Very good dynamic sealing properties 非常好的动密封性能 Very low gas permeability 低的气体渗透性 Very good Ozone resitancy 高的耐臭氧性能 Thermoplastic Polyurethane Raw material description 聚氨酯原材料的描述 Polyols 多氢基化合物 Polyether 聚醚 (EU) Strengths 优点 - very good low temperature properties 非常好的低温性能 - good hdrolysis resistancy 耐水解性能好 Weaknesses 缺点 - worse physical properties compared to Polyesters 和聚酯相比材料的物理性能比较差 - poor compatability in mineral oil 在矿物油中的性能比较差 - poor wear and extrusion resitancy 抗挤出和磨损性能比较差 Thermoplastic Polyurethane Raw material descript


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