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督导的授课技巧 课程目标 能够完整陈述前期筹备的关键点 能够完整陈述台上表现的12个技巧 能够演示3种特殊放映技巧 课程大纲 前期准备技巧 台上表现技巧 塑造个人风格 特殊放映技巧 前期准备技巧 前期准备的关键点 培训名言 台上表现技巧 专业台上表现技巧 1.心态 2.目光 3.声音 4.表情 5.手势 6.站姿 7.移位 专业台上表现技巧 专业台上表现技巧 8.开场 9.提问 提问的目的 加强互动 启发思考 严肃纪律 查漏补缺 …… 10.点评 点评流程 先给予鼓励 询问学员自身的感受 讲师总结 讲师总结原则:3+2 11.控场 关注哈欠指数 处理突发情况 投影仪与电脑不兼容 学员迟到 停电 学员捣乱 12.结尾 学员总结 讲师总结 布置课后作业 塑造个人风格 常见授课风格 常见授课风格 特殊放映技巧 特殊屏幕 画笔和橡皮 特殊播放 温故而知新 前期准备技巧 台上表现技巧 塑造个人风格 特殊放映技巧 6 Tips for Good Eye Contact: 1. Most people can only take 5–7 seconds of eye contact before becoming uncomfortable, so shoot for a little less than that: 4 seconds at a time during conversation, 2 seconds tops when glancing at someone in passing. 2. When you do glance away, try to avoid looking up or down. This can indicate to the other party that youre bored or timid, respectively. Instead, look to the left or right, as people tend to do this naturally when trying to think of something. 3. As for the actual look, shoot for soft eyes – no glaring or staring. Eye contact isnt doing you any favors if you look ticked off or your eyes are bugging out all crazy. Strive for a relaxed, interested look – dont knit your brow or narrow your eyes. 4. Generally, the more often you blink, the more agitated you are. If you want to seem more at ease, think about those blinks! 5. If youre not used to regularly making eye contact, it can take a little getting used to. If it helps, you can actually look at the area right in the middle of a person’s forehead, and it will appear to them that youre looking in their eyes. 6. You can also play little games to try and get used to looking. Try to discover the eye color of each person you pass on the street. Pretend invisible strings attach your eyes and theirs, and you have to keep tugging on them when they go slack. With practice, itll become second nature. 分析学员名单 熟悉培训场地 测试培训设备 准备练习材料 每一次培训 都要像第一次一样精心准备 每一次培训 都要像最后一次一样全力以赴 8.开场 9.提问 10.点评 11.控场 12.结尾 2.目光 4.表情 5.手势 6.站姿 7.移位 1.心态 3.声音 克服紧张情绪 以及由此带来的负面反应 目光交流 照顾全场 抑扬顿挫 语速适中 与讲授内容、当时氛围保持一致


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