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全国农村与城镇居民收支分布规律研究 (西南林业大学理学院,中国云南昆明,650224) 更多相关毕业论文与资料及问题解答请到找到相关文件夹下载 摘要:随着中国经济的发展和社会进步,人民生活水平日益提高。农村与城镇居民的收入水平、消费支出结构、消费水平在很大程度上反映了我国整体经济发展水平。针对城乡差距不断扩大之势Residents of rural and urban distribution of income and expenditure Abstract: With Chinas economic development and social progress, peoples living standards are improving. Rural and urban residents income, consumption expenditure structure, the level of consumption to a large extent reflects the overall level of economic development in China. Widening gap between urban and rural income and expenditure for the potential of the rural and urban residents to study distribution of income and expenditure becomes still important. According to residents of 31 regions on indicators of income and expenditure data related to visual analysis, the urban residents and rural residents and the balance of payments gap, while all regions of rural and urban residents income distribution using principal component analysis, poly class analysis approach to evaluate and find the main factors affect the consumer, and the residents of the 31 districts classified expenditure. Use of such methods of urban residents and rural residents in the balance of payments will help increase our understanding of the various regional economic development, to gradually eliminate the income gap between urban and rural areas, and ultimately achieving coordinated development between urban and rural areas to provide reference basis. Key word : Urban residents, rural residents, payments, principal component analysis, cluster analysis 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 目 录 1 第一章 前言 2 1 前言 2 1.1研究的背景 2 1.2研究的目的与意义 2 1.3研究现状与发展趋势及主要内容 3 第二章 不同地区农村与城镇居民收支直观分析 6 1中国城乡居民收入的差距现状 6 1.1 中国城乡居民的绝对收入差距现状 6 1.2中国城镇与农村居民的相对收入的差距现状 7 1.3我国城镇与农村居民收入的增长差距 7 第三章 我国城镇与农村居民的收入与支出情况 9 1 各地区城镇居民平均每人全年家庭收入与各地区按来源分农村居民家庭人均纯收入 9 2各地区城镇居民家庭平均每人全年消费性支出 (2008年)与各地区农村居民家庭平均每人生活消费支出 (2008年) 10 3 全国农村与城镇居民各项消费等所占总消费的比重 11 3.1农村居民各项消费所占比重 11 3.2 城镇居民各项消费所占比重 11 第四章 农村与城镇居民消费的统计分析 13 1 主成分分析 13 1.1



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