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科技英语(一) 本学期的内容: 序言课 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学 Chemistry as Quantitative Science and a Science of Matter 一、Units of measurement and fundamental constants 1. SI base physical quantities and units Physical Unit Name of Unit Quantity abbreviation 三、 Speaking of common mathematical symbols R: R: R1: +: -: ?: ?: ?: =: ?: ?: 四、 Atoms and Element element symbols: one or two letters abbreviations derived from their modern names, or in some cases from their old Latin names. S-block Element IA H: Li: Na: K: Rb: Cs: Fr: P-block Element P-block Element Common Transition Elememt Fe : Mn : Cu: Zn: Hg: Ag: Au: 五、Atomic Structure: Five Classic Experiments cathode rays 阴极射线 electron 电子 electrical Potential 电动势,电压 electrodes 电极 第一课 原子、分子和离子 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 二、Naming of chemical compound The name of chemical compound follows names of ions and is read from left to right. cations anions binary molecular compounds: prefixes are used to indicated the number of atoms of each element present, such as mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, octa-, nona-, deca-. 1. Name of cation part = the name of element e.g. CO: carbon monoxide Al2O3: aluminium oxide N2O4 :Dinitrogen tetroxide metal with variable valency, name of element ( Roman numeral ) or name of element + –ous lower valency + –ic higher valency。   e.g. FeO: iron(II) oxide or ferrous oxide Fe2O3: iron (III) oxide or ferric oxide Fe3O4: ferriferrous oxide Cu2O: copper(I) oxide or cuprous oxide   CuO: copper(II) oxide or cupric oxide 2. Name of anion part 2.1 binary compound monatomic anion: name of the element + –ide. e.g., fluoride,chloride, bromide, iodide, oxide , sulfide ,nitride,



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