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TOEFL Training 2 By Sally Young 杨思晴 My Contact Info 杨思晴 (Sally) yangsiqing@ QQ:702037094 新浪微博:晴天Sally 校内主页:杨思晴 网上硬盘:115.com 用户名:james_0728@126.com 密码:lwh123415 ur favorite book? Adjectives that can be used to describe a book Interesting, catching, intriguing, best-selling, inspiring, encouraging, thought- provoking, informative, creative, imaginative, touching, moving, impressive, illuminative… is easy 2 follow Category of books Autobiography, biography, science fiction, novel, fiction, non-fiction, historical book, prose, thriller, detective, mystery novels, travel books, comics, fairy tale, romance, adventure Sample 1 Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (哈利·波特与密室) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒 ) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (哈利·波特与火焰杯) Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix (哈利·波特与凤凰社) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (哈利·波特与混血王子) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (哈利·波特与死亡圣器) Magic Properties invisible cloak:隐形衣 Wand:魔杖 Time Turner:时间转换器 Cloak:斗篷 Cape :披风 Knight Bus:骑士公共汽车 Vanishing Cabinet:消失柜 the Goblet of Fire:火焰杯,三强争霸赛中选勇士的用具 Philosopher’s Stone:魔法石 Games 魁地奇(Quidditch):哈利波特系列中重要的空中团队对抗运动。魔法界最热门的游戏。跟普通比赛一样,它在被看台包围的球场上进行,球场两端各由几根50英尺高的金制的杆子,杆子顶上带有圆环,参赛者分两队骑着飞天扫帚(flying broom)在空中飞行对抗,每队七人,各有一名守门员(keeper )、三名追球手(chaser)、两个击球手(beater)和一名找球手(seeker)。 巫师棋(Wizard Chess):规则和国际象棋类似,但可以用语言控制棋子,棋子可以互相打斗。 Detailed info abt the book My favorite book is Harry Potter. This world famous fantasy series is written by J.K. Rowling. In the story, a wizard named Harry Potter learns various kinds of magic in a wizard school called Hogwarts. With the help of his Fs, Harry successfully defeats Voldemort, the evil wizard. BA I love this book a lot ∵ it broadens my horizon. It pushes me 2 look at the world from a wider perspective. Since the story is imaginative creative, I ‘ve got a chance 2 experience sth I’ve never experience before. BA I am soooo fascinated with the wiz


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