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because therefore result in,lead to is much greater than is much less than and is equivalent to is similar to integral double integral triple integral is parallel to is perpendicular to number dollar Abbreviation Used in Trigonometry How to read fraction How to read “0” (1)As the one of a numeral ,can be read as “ 欧 ”,zero, or nought (2)As a numerical value , can be read as cipher,cypher or nothing. e.g. 10-10=0 Ten minus ten is equal to cipher, or Ten minus ten leaves nothing 5?0=0 Multiply 5 by nothing and the result is nothing (3)As the temperature,can be read as zero 0 ?C zero Centigrade -3 ?C Three degrees below zero Centigrade or minus three degrees (4) In code or number,can be read as 欧 (5)In sport games,as the score can be read as nil or nothing 3?0 three goals to nil 5?0 five to nothing Homework 1 Now write out the following expression in full Homework 2 All homeworks should be handed in before midsemester! Translation 一、翻译的要求 翻译的标准:信达雅、等值等 1.译文要忠实于原文,准确完整表达原文的内容,使译文在表达思想、精神、风格体裁上与原文完全相同。 2.语言必须符合规范,符合本民族语言习惯。 3.专业术语正确,数据无误,具有科学性。 二、翻译方式 1.直译(metaphrase) 指忠实地保持原文的用词、语法、结构及语气风格等。尽力保持原文精粹和面目 2.意译(paraphrase) 译文大胆打破原文用词、语法结构语气风格的限制。符合汉语的表达方式和习惯。 例一 One way to picture the earth and the moon is to think of them as a pair of dancing partners spinning wildly around a dance floor with the sun in the center. Since the earth is 81 times as heavy as the moon,it is the anchorman in the dance. (taken from We Reach the Moon) 一个描述地球和月球的方法,是将它们想象成一对舞伴,在一个以太阳为中心的跳舞场周围热烈地旋转。地球比月球重八十一倍,所以它是跳舞中的男舞伴。(摘自《我们到了月球》) 例 二 Jet propulsion is a practical application of Sir Issac Newton’s thir


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