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某法院办公楼设计 摘要:该办公楼位于西安市某区.住宅类型:四层砌体结构.办公楼总长27.20m,宽13.22m,总高度15m,其高宽比为H/B=15/13.22=1.182.所以采用砖混结构能基本符合规范要求。墙是砖混结构的围护构件和承重构件。承受建筑物有屋顶或楼板传来的荷载,并将这些荷载再传给基础。本工程采用粘土砖作为承重材料,外墙贴白色瓷片,采用现浇钢筋混凝土板式楼梯,踏步宽300mm踏步高150mm。栏杆采用钢管,扶手采用木扶手.建筑立面规整,除正门为玻璃门外,其余均采用实木门,窗为铝合金窗。 关键词:建筑设计;结构计算;结构布置;内力计算;配筋计算;砌体结构 A court building design Abstract: the office is located in xian city residential type: good. The four layers of masonry structure. 27.20 m, width office chief 13.22 m, total height 15m, the ratio of high to width H/B = 15/13.22 = 1.16 2. So using masonry-concrete structures can conform to the standard. Wall brick and concrete structure is the retaining structures and bearing component. Under buildings with a roof or floor, and from these the load to load. Again, The project adopts clay as bearing material, wall of white ceramic stick, cast-in-situ reinforced concrete board type stair footfall, wide 300mm footfall 150mm high. By using steel tube, armrest baluster wood armrest. The building elevation neat, except for the front door, glass door, window are using solid for aluminum alloy Windows. Keywords: architectural design, Structural calculation, Structural layout, Internal force calculation, Calculation, Masonry structure 目录 1.结构方案 - 5 - 1.1主体结构设计方案 - 5 - 1.2 墙体方案及布置图 - 5 - 1.2.1变形缝 - 5 - 1.2.2 墙体布置 - 5 - 1.2.3 墙厚 - 5 - 1.3 多层砖混房屋的构造措施 - 5 - 1.3.1 构造柱的设置 - 5 - 1.3.2 圈梁设置 - 5 - 1.4 楼盖的结构布置 - 6 - 1.5屋盖结构布置 - 6 - 1.6 基础方案 - 6 - 2.结构计算 - 7 - 2.1板的设计 - 7 - 2.1.1设计资料 - 7 - 2.1.2结构布置 - 7 - 2.1.3 双向板计算 - 9 - 2.1.4 现浇板的配筋(见结构施工图) - 13 - 2.2.1计算单元及梁载面尺寸的确定 - 13 - 2.2.2荷载计算 - 14 - 2.2.3内力计算 - 14 - 2.2.4载面配筋计算 - 14 - 2.2.5斜截面抗剪能力计算 - 15 - 2.3墙体验算 - 15 - 2.3.1墙体高厚比验算 - 15 - 2.3.2 D轴纵墙梁L-1处墙的强度计算 - 17 - 2.3.3 内力分析 - 19 - 2.3.4横墙控制截面内力计算 - 21 - 2.3.5 截面承载力计算 - 24 - 2.4基础设计 - 25 - 2.4.1横墙基础设计 - 26 - 2.4.2纵墙基础设计 - 27 - 2.4.3地基的变形验算 - 28 - 3.抗震验算 - 29 - 3.2建筑总重量的计算 - 29 - 3.5地震作用对纵向墙体强度验算 - 34 - 4、楼梯设计 - 36 - 4.1建筑设计 - 36 - 4.2结构设计采用板式楼梯 - 36 - 5、雨篷设计 - 39 - 6、过梁设计 - 44 - 主 要 符 号 表 - 4


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