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生态文化概论 李月莲 101201210 皮从进 101201214 王姗姗 101201217 Ecopolitics The ecopolitics takes the socio-ecological political issues and influences as the object of study to explore the interrelationship between socio-ecological systems and socio-political systems and the regularity.The newest development of ecology has offered theoretical nutrient for ecological politics.   The development of eco-political movement Four periods in the West A. 1960s street politics green protest 街头政治”的绿色抗议 B. 1970s national politics green response 国家政治”的绿色响应 C. The green participation civilian political in the 1980s “平民政治”广泛的绿色参与 D. Parliamentary politics green contest, international politics in the 1990s after the Pan-Green“议会政治”的绿色较量,“国际政治”泛绿化   主要特征 (1)运动主体的广泛性和差异性。 (2)哲学基础从“深绿”退到“浅绿”。 (3)运动策略由“激进”转向“温和”。 (4)绿色理念从政治“边缘”走向政治“中心”。 (5)总体未来将是偏向左翼,是“红绿主题”并驾齐驱。 Main features (1) the breadth of a moving subject and differences. (2) The philosophical basis from the dark green retreated light green. (3) movement strategy by radical to moderate. (4) the green concept from the political edge to the political center. (5) the overall future will be biased left-wing, red and green theme neck and neck.    中国四个阶段 (1)1949~1973年:生态环境问题远离政治视野。 (2)1973~1983年:生态环境问题进入国家的政治生活。 (3)1983~1992年:生态环境问题在政治上获得高度重视,但在实际解决的经济环节上没有得到真正落实。 (4)1992年至今:生态环境问题与国家政治生活联姻,但解决环境问题的保障机制有待完善。 Four periods in China (1) from 1949 to 1973: the ecological and environmental problems away from the political scene. (2) from 1973 to 1983: the ecological environmental issues into the political life of the country. (3) from 1983 to 1992: the ecological and environmental problems in the political attaches great importance to be really implemented, but no practical solutions to sectors of the economy. (4) 1992-present: ecological and environmental problems with the countrys political life and marriage, but a safeguard mechanism to solve environmental problems need to be improved.  生态自治主义Ecocommunalism 1、理论渊源Theory origin   a.资源保护运动


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