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/ 19973 - ÷ * a C N Preparation and Structure Analysis of Amorphous Carbon Nitride Films ( ) Zhang Guif eng Zhang ianho ng Geng Dong sheng Liu ZhengtangZheng Xiulin ( Colleg e of M aterials Science and Eng ineering , Northw estern Poly technical Univ er sity) [ ] ( a -C÷N) , X ( X PS ) ( FT -IR) ( RS ) , , C- N , a -C ÷N , C N : [ Abstract ] Am orphous carbo n nitr ide f ilms ( a-C ÷N ) have been grow n on Ge substrate us- ing radio frequency sputtering of graphite in nitro gen and acetylene plasma . The structur e and co mposition of a -C ÷N f ilms w ere analy zed by X-ray photo electr on spectro scopy ( XPS ) , infrared ( - ) ( ) . absorptio n FT IR and Ram an spectr oscopies RS The results indicate that the incorporated nitro gen is chemically bonded to carbon . T he concentratio n of the incorporated nitr ogen and triple - ÷ . bonded CN in a C N f ilms increased w ith increasing of nitr ogen content in mix ture g as Keywords : r f sputter ing am orphous carbon nitr ide film sstructure 1 [ 3] , 54mm , 120W , 13. 56HMz [ 15] , , - B , - , , Si3N4 B C3N4 100 , [ 6] - 2 410 , 5 00900V , 4 0min B-C N , 3 4 , [ 7] - , / B C3N4 C N 8 - ÷


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