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第33 卷第8期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol33, No. 8 2 0 12 年 8 月 Journal of Northeastern U ni ersity( Natural Science) Aug. 2 0 1 2 B O- TiO 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 曹 颖 , 印万忠, 王国胜 , 徐昱峰 ( 1. , 110819; 2. , 110142) : , B O - T iO , - - 2 3 2 X , , B O - T iO : 2 3 2 , - , B O - 2 3 , T iO , , - 2 : ; ; - ; B O-T iO ; 2 3 2 : T Q 17 1 : A : 1005-3026( 20 12) 08- 1171-03 Preparation of B O- TiO Doped Cordierite Glass-Ceramics and 2 3 2 Its Crystallization Behavior 1 1 2 2 CA O Ying , YIN Wan-zhong , WANG Guo-sheng , X U Yu-f eng ( 1. School of Resources Ci il Engineering , Northeastern Uni ersity, Shenyang 110819, China; 2. School of Chemical Engineering, Shenyang Uni ersity of Chemical T echnology , Shenyang 110142, China. Corresponding author : Y IN W an-zhong, professor, E-mail: yinwanzhong @ mail. neu. edu. cn) Abstract Using B O-T iO as an additi e, cordierite glass-ceramics with stoichiometric 2 3 2 composition w ere prepared by the so-l gel technique. The sample crystallization was characterized by differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. Effect of doping B O-T iO on crystallization w as in estigated. It is show n that -cordierite is obtained 2 3 2 from amorphous compound, with metastable phas


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