[管理学]管理学第七版 斯蒂芬P罗宾斯robbins_PPT15.ppt

[管理学]管理学第七版 斯蒂芬P罗宾斯robbins_PPT15.ppt

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[管理学]管理学第七版 斯蒂芬P罗宾斯robbins_PPT15

L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. Understanding Groups Define the different types of groups. Describe the five stage of group development. Explaining Work Group Behavior Explain the major components that determine group performance and satisfaction. Discuss how roles, norms, conformity, status systems, group size, and group cohesiveness influence group behavior. Explain how group norms can both help and hurt an organization. Define group think and social loafing. L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d) Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter. Explaining Work Group Behavior (cont’d) Describe the relationships between group cohesiveness and productivity. Discuss how conflict management influences group behavior. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making. Creating Effective Teams Compare groups and teams. Explain why teams have become so popular. Describe the four most common types of teams. List the characteristics of effective teams. Understanding Groups Group Two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve particular goals. Formal groups Work groups defined by the organization’s structure that have designated work assignments and tasks. Appropriate behaviors are defined by and directed toward organizational goals. Informal groups Groups that are independently formed to meet the social needs of their members. Stages in Group Development Forming Members join and begin the process of defining the group’s purpose, structure, and leadership. Storming Intragroup conflict occurs as individuals resist control by the group and disagree over leadership. Norming Close relationships develop as the group becomes cohesive and establishes its norms for acceptable behavior. Performing A fully functional group structure allows the group to focus on performing the task at hand. Adjourning The group prepares to disband and is no longer c


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