[经济学]ch6 投资组合的风险与收益.ppt

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[经济学]ch6 投资组合的风险与收益

* * * * * * * * Shape Concerned with extent to which values are symmetrically distributed. Kurtosis The extent to which a distribution is peaked (flatter or taller). For example, a distribution could be more peaked than a normal distribution (still may be 慴ell-shaped). If values are negative, then distribution is less peaked than a normal distribution. Skew The extent to which a distribution is symmetric or has a tail. Values are 0 if normal distribution. If the values are negative, then negative or left-skewed. * * * * * * 确定性等价效用 风险金 * * * 6.3 资产组合的收益与风险 引例 资产组合(Portfolio)的优点 资产组合收益与方差的计算规则 补充证明与计算 * 引例 一个岛国是旅游胜地,其有两家上市公司,一家为防晒品公司,一家为雨具公司。岛国每年天气或为雨季或为旱季,两家公司的股东都面临着两种相反天气的风险。雨季使防晒品公司收益下降,却使雨具公司的收益增加,旱季则相反。 请问你的投资策略是什么。 不把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子的投资学原理是什么? 问题的核心所在:风险控制 * 资产组合(Portfolio)的优点 对冲(hedging),也称为套期保值。 投资于补偿形式(收益负相关),使之相互抵消风险的作用。 分散化(Diversification) 必要条件:收益是不完全正相关,就能降低风险。 组合使投资者选择余地扩大。 * 例如有A、B两种股票,每种股票的涨或跌的概率都为50%,若只买其中一种,则就只有两种可能,但是若买两种就形成一个组合,这个组合中收益的情况就至少有六种。 涨,涨 涨,跌 涨 跌,涨 跌,跌 跌 涨 跌 A B 组合至少还包含非组合(即只选择一种股票),这表明投资者通过组合选择余地在扩大,从而使决策更加科学。 Expected Return Rule 1 : The return for an asset is the probability weighted average return in all scenarios. Variance of Return Rule 2: The variance of an asset’s return is the expected value of the squared deviations from the expected return. Return on a Portfolio Rule 3: The rate of return on a portfolio is a weighted average of the rates of return of each asset comprising the portfolio, with the portfolio proportions as weights. rp = W1r1 + W2r2 W1 = Proportion of funds in Security 1 W2 = Proportion of funds in Security 2 r1 = Expected return on Security 1 r2 = Expected return on Security 2 Portfolio Risk with Risk-Free Asset Rule 4: When a risky asset is combined with a risk-free asset, the portfolio standard deviation equals the risky asset’s standard deviation multiplied by the portfolio proportion invested in the risky asset. Rule 5: When two risky assets with va


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