[经济学]unit 6 Trade terms and pricing.ppt

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[经济学]unit 6 Trade terms and pricing

Unit 6 (A); Definition ;relevant international practices of Trade Terms;How to use the INCOTERMS 2010 rules ;Classification of the 11 INCOTERMs 2010 rules;Any Mode or Modes of Transport;Sea and Inland Waterway Transport;;Group E —— Departure (启运术语) ; Group C —— Main carriage paid (主运费已付);Group D —— Arrival (到达术语);Commonly used trade terms in INCOTERMs 2010;FOB(…named port of shipment); The main obligations of the seller;When adopting the FOB terms, we shall pay attention to the following points:;⑵ Risk transfer before delivery ; CASE STUDY 某公司从美国进口钢材200公吨, 合同规定:USD 900 PER MT FOB Vessel New York 支付方式为L/C。我方通过中国银行按期开出金 额为18万美元的信用证。美商接信用证后来电 称:“信用证金额不足,应增加1万美元备用。否 则有关出口税捐及各种签证费用,由你方另行电 汇”。我方接电后认为这是美方无理要求,随即 回电指出:“按 FOB Vessel 条件成交,买方应 负责出口手续及费用,这在《INCOTERMS》中已 明确定”。请问美方要求是否有其依据?;CFR: (…named port of destination) ; The main obligations of the seller;When adopting the CFR terms, we shall pay attention to the following points:;(2) The seller is only responsible for normal freight. (3) Shipping advice The seller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow the buyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable the buyer to cover insurance and take the goods in time. (In a FOB contract , the seller must give the buyer shipping advice too.); Case Study 某市一进出口公司按CFR贸易术语与 法国马赛一进口商签订一批抽纱台布出口合同,价 值8万美元。货物于1月8日上午装船完毕,当天因 经办该项业务的外销员工作繁忙,待到9日上班时 才想起给买方发装船通知。法商收到我装船通知即 向当地保险公司申请投保,保险公司已获悉装运货 物的船舶于9日凌晨在海上遇难而拒绝承保。于是 法商立即来电表示该批货物损失应由我进出口公司 承担并同时索赔8000美元,且拒不赎单。由于该法 商是我方老客户,经我方向其申述困难并表示歉意 后也就不再坚持索赔,但我方钱货两空的教训实应 吸取。;CIF (…named port of destination );CIF (…named port of destination ); The main obligations of the seller;When adopting the CIF terms, we shall pay attention to the following points:;(2)Duty of insurance The seller should insure proper insurance coverage . (Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1932) The minimum insurance shall cover the price provided in the contract plus 10% (i.e. 110%) and shall be provided in


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