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信用证 Letter of credit 主要内容 一、信用证的含义、性质 二、信用证的种类 三、信用证的内容 四、信用证的审核与修改 教学目标与要求 了解信用证的特点 掌握信用证的主要内容 掌握信用证审核的重点及信用证的修改 一、信用证的含义、性质 (一)信用证的含义 信用证(Letter of Credit,简称L/C),是指开证行应申请人的要求并按申请人的指示,向第三者开具的载有一定金额,在一定期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件。 《UCP600》第2条对信用证定义为:指一项不可撤销的安排,无论其名称或描述如何,该项安排构成开证行对相符交单予以承付的确定承诺。 ?Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honor a complying presentation. (二)信用证的性质 银行信用 (banker’s credit) 自足的文件(self-sufficient document ) 单据的买卖(deal with documents only) 二、信用证的种类 跟单信用证Documentary L/C 光票信用证Clean L/C 不可撤销信用证Irrevocable L/C 可转让信用证Transferable L/C 保兑信用证Confirmed L/C 不保兑信用证Non-confirmed L/C 对开信用证Reciprocal L/C 对背信用证 Back to back L/C 即期付款信用证 Sight Payment L/C 远期付款信用证 Usance L/C 循环信用证 Revolving L/C 预支信用证 Anticipatory L/C 备用信用证 Standby L/C 三、信用证的内容 (一)Description of the L/C:C,N,OB,DD,E 对信用证本身的说明 (二)Parties to an L/C 信用证的当事方 (三)Amount and currency 信用证的金额与币种 (四)Clause on draft 汇票条款 (五)Description of goods 货物描述 (六)Clause on documents 单据条款 (七)Clause on shipment 装运条款 (八)Special conditions 特殊条款 (九)Warranties of Issuing bank 开证行的保证条款 (一)Description of the L/C: C,N,OB,DD,E This credit shall remain in force until March1,2012 in China. 本证到2012年3月1日为止在中国有效。 Expiry date: Mar.1,2012 in the country (China) of the beneficiary for negotiation. 有效期:2012年3月1日前,在受益人国家(中国)议付有效。 (二)Principal parties to an L/C 开证申请人Applicant, opener, accountee, account of, for account of, by order of, at the request of, by order of and for account of 受益人Beneficiary in favor of, in your favor, transferor, transferee 开证行Issuing bank, opening bank the bank that issues a credit at the request of an applicant or on its own behalf. 通知行Advising bank, notifying bank the bank that advises the credit at the request of the issuing bank. 保兑行Confirming bank the bank that adds its c


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