brokk 遥控拆炉、拆包、拆窑机器人.ppt

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brokk 遥控拆炉、拆包、拆窑机器人

* * 应 用 A ladle transports liquid iron/steel from the converter. It has two layers of brick; a safety lining and the outer working lining. Brokk causes no damage to the safety lining thanks to the precise remote control. 安全拆包,不伤永久层 Machine features Even digging 可快速换装铲斗 Machine features 为什么要用Brokk打渣机? Increased efficiency 提高拆除效率 Increased safety 提高安全性 Easy access 可进入狭窄空间作业,用途广泛 Improved environment 改善劳动环境 Machine features Machine features Precision and accuracy 精确打砖 Adjustable breaker frequency from the remote control box 冲击功和频率可调 No shell damage The small Brokk machine gives the necessary angle of the breaker to do a god job. 车小冲击功大 Machine features 快速更换工具头 After debricking, a change of tool enables the machine to muck out the rubble with a bucket. 热拆完成后,在电炉内换成铲斗出渣 Machine features Accessibility Climbs over rubble ………………..and in stairs. Machine features 我还可把碎渣清除 Machine features 设计特点: 耐粉尘 耐高温 遥控操作 可进入狭小工作面工作 作业无死点 Machine features Machine features 主要特点 Compact, can enter narrow openings and work in confined areas 设计紧凑,可进入狭小空间,冲击功率强劲 Robust, flexible mobile 遥控作业, 机动灵活 Precision - debricking without damaging material that must be retained 准确定位,冲击功可调 Electric drive - produces no exhaust fumes 电液驱动,无噪音。 Easy maintenance 适宜高温高粉尘作业。可靠,易于维修 可 配 工 具 Crushers Buckets Grapples Side-angling device Scabblers Clamshell buckets Hydraulic breakers Steel shears Machine features Machine features The three-part arm system provides extraordinary flexibility and reach. 三大臂结构,模拟人手 车小但覆盖范围大 360 degrees slewing for Brokk 180 Brokk 330 360度回转 Safety All Brokk machines are remote controlled. 遥控器 The weight of the control box is only 2.5 kg. 遥控器 Brokk process kit Basic machine Extra steel hood, steel track and cylinder protection. 强制冷却 耐热保护 can start the job earlier no breakdown due to heat Machine features Brokk 180 with air cooling system 强制冷却系统 我们的回转窑维修方案 轻巧的过桥 打窑皮、拆回转窑 划线定位器 运砖小车 砌砖机 Brokk 公司 1、公司实力 Brokk公司共有150多名员工,在瑞典本部有70多人,在美国


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