unit 1 language and language learning语言和语言学习.ppt

unit 1 language and language learning语言和语言学习.ppt

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unit 1 language and language learning语言和语言学习

(5) People start learning a foreign language at different ages. (6) People have different experiences in learning a foreign language (7) Learning can be affected by the way how language is taught. (8) Learning is affected by the done is expected to achieve. Structural View : It sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystem : from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentence . Each language has a finite number of such structural items. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language . Interactional View : It consider language as a communicative tool , whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people. Therefore , learners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language , but also need to know the rules for using them in a whole range of communicative context. III. Views on language learning Questions: 1) What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive process involved in language learning ? 2) What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning process to be activated ? ---learning as habit formation Language is also a form of behaviour. It can be learned the same way as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli. Cognitive theory (认知主义学习理论) The term cognitivism is often used to describe method in which students are asked to think rather than simply repeat. Work in groups of four and decide which adjectives describe ethic devotion, which describe personal styles and which describe professional qualities. warm-hearted, attentive, caring, kind, well-prepared, resourceful, well-informed, professionally trained, enthusiastic, creative, flexible, patient, humourous, dynamic, hardworking, accurate, disciplined, speaking clearly, authoritative,intuitive V. How can one become a good language teacher? All the following statements could be used to describe what an English teacher shoul


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