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中考词汇班 第二次课 Cry on my shoulder Daniel Küblbouml;ck   Alexander Klaws    Juliette Schoppmann   英文歌《Cry On My Shoulder》由德国选秀节目DSDS(Deutschland sucht den Superstar)的歌手们共同演绎,标准励志歌。不要忘了当你无助的时候,来我的肩膀哭泣,我会在你身边,依旧用爱与你分享。 If the________ comes to you; Lyrics: If you need someone youre feeling____; If you____love and youre____; If you call your friends and nobodys home; You can____but you cant____; Through a____and through a lonely night; Then I _____ you theres a____; The best things in life; Theyre ____. But if you wanna Cry; Cry on my____. If you need someone who cares for you; If youre feeling sad your heart gets colder; Yes I show you what real love can do. If your sky is grey oh let me know; Theres a place in____ where well go. If heaven is a____years away; Oh just call me and I make your day. When the nights are getting cold and blue; When the days are getting hard for you; I will always____here by your side. I____you Ill never hide. ....... Yes I show you what real love can do What real love can do What love can do never [nev?] adv. not ever; at no time in the past or future 决不;从未(频度副词) eg. ※He can never understand. 他永远也不会明白的。 expansion: always\often\ever\...... He is always in time for meals.(is\am\are后) 他总是赶得上吃饭。 They sometimes stay up all night.(do\does前) 他们有时整夜不睡。 Have you ever ridden a horse?(第一个助动词后面) 你骑过马吗? hero [hi?r?u] n. 英雄;男主角,男主人公 [ 复数heroes ] eg. I can be your hero, baby. 宝贝,我能成为你的英雄! That is my hero. 这就是我的英雄。 ※每个人都想要成为一个英雄。 Everyone wants to be a hero. expansion: heroine [her?uin] n. 女英雄;女杰 heroin [her?uin] n. 海洛因,吗啡 blue [blu:] adj. 蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;n. 蓝色 eg. ※Sky is blue and mind is open. 天空是蔚蓝的,心胸是敞开的。 I feel kind of blue . 我有点沮丧的感觉。 你为什么看上去如此的沮丧。 Why do you look so blue? expansion: upset\depressed 沮丧的 (每种颜色都有所指) purple-romantic\red-enthusiasm\pink-cute\ black-mysterious\white-pure\green-life\yellow-danger wait for [weit] 等候,等待;等待某人 eg. ※Time


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