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内蒙古科技大学化工设备机械基础课程设计题 目:内压容器夹套式反应釜学生姓名:学 号:班 级:指导老师:摘要本文是对带搅拌的夹套式反应釜做简单的设计,简要的说明了设计方法和理论依据。设计内容主要包括以下几个方面:反应釜釜体的设计,反应釜夹套的设计,反应釜传动装置的设计、搅拌装置的设计、以及轴封装置的设计,还有一些例如人孔、视镜等其他部件的设计。主要是通过以上几个部分的设计确定其筒体,封头等壁厚,长度的大小,然后进行相应的强度校核,以保证设计设备的使用安全,以及通过查阅标准选型对其他装置的选型,其中应考虑到反应釜筒体内,和夹套中温度、压力、介质的影响。尤其注意是氯乙烯单体具有有毒且易燃易爆的特性,在选型时应确保人员、设备的安全。并综合经济条件,方案的可行性完善反应釜的设计选型。关键词:反应釜,压力容器,搅拌装置,夹套AbstractThis article is to bring mixing jacketed type reaction kettle do simple design, briefly illustrates the design method and theoretical basis.Design content mainly includes the following aspects: the design of the reaction kettle body, the design of jacketed reactor, reaction kettle gearing design, the design of the mixing plant, as well as the design of the shaft sealing device, and some such as the design of the manhole, sight glasses, and other components.Mainly through the design of the above several parts determine its shell, seal the top wall thickness, the size of the length, then the corresponding intensity, to ensure that the design of the use of safety equipment, and by looking at standard selection of other devices selection, which should take into account the reaction kettle drum body, and the influence of temperature, pressure, medium in the jacket. Especially pay attention to is the characteristic of vinyl chloride monomer is toxic and flammable and explosive, the selection should ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. And general economic conditions, the feasibility of the scheme design selection to improve the reaction kettle.Key words: the reaction kettle, pressure vessel, stirring device, jacket目录摘要IAbstractII目录III第一章 绪论11.1 设计的目的及意义11.2 设计的要求11.3 反应釜概述1第二章反应釜釜体的设计22.1 反应釜筒体的设计和计算22.1.1 筒体的确定22.1.2 反应釜筒体的确定32.2 反应釜筒体封头的设计选型和计算32.2.1 封头的选型32.2.2 设计参数的确定32.2.3 封头壁厚的计算32.2.4 封头深度计算32.3 反应釜筒体长度H的设计32.3.1 反应釜筒体长度H计算32.3.2 反应釜体长径比L/Di复核42.4 反应釜筒体壁厚设计4第三章反应釜夹套的设计53.1 夹套釜体DN、PN的确定53.1.1 夹套釜体DN的确定53.1.2 夹套釜体PN的确定53.2 夹套筒体的设计53.2.1 设计参数的确定53.2.2 夹套筒体壁厚的设计53.2.3 夹套筒体长度53.3 夹套封头的设计63.


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