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* * * Let me see if he is able To sit still for once at the table. Thus Papa bade Phil behave; And Mama looked very grave. But Fidgety Phil, He wont sit still; He wriggles, And giggles, And then, I declare, Swings backwards and forwards, And tilts up his chair, Just like any rocking horse-- Philip! I am getting cross!? See the naughty, restless child Growing still more rude and wild, Till his chair falls over quite. Philip screams with all his might, Catches at the cloth, but then That makes matters worse again. Down upon the ground they fall, Glasses, plates, knives, forks and all. How Mama did fret and frown, When she saw them tumbling down! And Papa made such a face! Philip is in sad disgrace . . . A nineteenth century childrens tale demonstrates the problem of the inappropriately restless child quite well when Heinrich Hoffman (1809-1894) in 1844 described Fidgety Phil in these terms: He wont sit still He wriggles, And giggles And then, I declare, Swings backwards and forwards And tilts up the chair… Appropriately, the preferred method of treating Fidgety Phil has changed dramatically. Although likely present in children for centuries, ADHD as a clinical entity was not described until 1902 by Sir George Still. At that time, Sir Still described 43 children characterized by aggression, defiance, emotionality, disinhibition, limited sustained attention, and deficient rule-governed behavior. He hypothesized that the central feature was a “defect in moral control,” meaning a limitation in the individual’s ability to regulate behavior based on the knowledge of what was right, either from a lack of understanding, motivation, or inhibition.1 References: Hallowell EM, Ratey JJ. Driven to Distraction. Touchstone; 1994. Still GF. Some abnormal psychical conditions in children (The Goulstonian lectures). Lancet 1902;1:1008-1012, 1077-1082, 1163-1168. 1. Still GF. Some abnormal physical conditions in childhood. Lancet. 1902(1):1008. * Predominantly I


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