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毕 业 (论 文) 题 目: 大学生心理问题与社会工作介入模式的探讨 院 系: 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 年 月 日 大学生心理问题与社会工作介入模式的探讨 【摘要】随着社会的发展,人们的生活节奏变的越来越快,竞争也日益激烈,人与人之间的关系变得错综复杂,人们的观念意识、情感态度日益多元化,产生了或多或少的心理问题。大学生作为社会中的一个特殊群体,随着高校的扩招,大学生正面临越来越多的压力,如环境适应压力、人际关系压力、就业压力等导致了各种心理问题的出现。大学生正处于青年期向成年期的转变时期,具有很强的不确定性,是一个充满危机的时期,作为国家将来的栋梁之才,大学生心理问题不容忽视。大学生的素质关系全民族素质的提高,关系着21世纪人才的培养,关系祖国未来的振兴。本文将在分析大学生心理问题成因的基础上从社会工作的角度分析各种社会工作方法在介入大学生心理问题中的发挥的功用及各社会工作方法之间的整合,探讨大学生心理问题的社会工作介入途径,以为大学生心理问题的解决提供一些参考,并谈谈对学校社会工作理论和实务的一些看法。 【关键词】大学生心理问题 社会工作模式 社会工作介入 The explore of college students psychological problems and Social work in Intervention model 【Abstract】With the development of society, the rhythm of peoples living is becoming more and more quickly, the competition is fierce, relationships between people becomes complex, the idea of people consciousness, emotional attitude increasingly diversified, more or less of psychological problems. As a special social university college enrollment, with college students are facing more and more, the stress, such as ambient pressure, the pressure of interpersonal relationship, employment pressure resulted in various psychological problems. College students are in young period of transition to adulthood, strong uncertainty, with a crisis, as our countrys future period of pillar, psychological problems should not be ignored. The quality of the students, and the improvement of the quality of the relationship between a 21st century talents, the relationship between the revitalization of motherland in the future. This will cause psychological problems in the analysis on the basis of the analysis of social work from various social work methods in the intervention of the university students psychological problems of social work methods and function, this paper discusses the integration between the university students psychological problems of social work in ways


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