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小组合作 1 大声读出新短语!别怕读错哦! 展示台 1、 活动 “ 你做, 我猜” 2 “ Show yourself ” 秀秀你自己 Wanted(招聘) 一.填入下列单词中所缺的字母. 1. h lpf l (有用的) 2.h usew rk (家务) 3. c n (能) 4.b dr m (卧室) 5. m l (餐,饭) 6. fl r (地,地板) 二 判断正误 I like music. ( ) He like sports.( ) I can sweep the floor.( ) 4 She can cooks the meals.( ) 盘点收获 * Unit 4 What can you do ? --- Part A Let’s learn 明德小学  黎银琴 open the door turn on the light sweep the floor clean the window put up the picture clean the board I can help mom do housework.. I am helpful . cook the meals water the flowers Let’s learn 2 Let`s play “ 我说,你做” 高 薪 聘 请 “ 小 管 家 ” At home, I`m helpful. I can … / I can …and … / I can …, …and … We should love labor! 我们应该热爱劳动! A helpful man is always happy! 助人者常乐! o o a e oo ea oo e u √ × × √ like 改为likes cooks 改为cook What, what ,what you can do ? What, what ,what he can do ? I can, I can sweep the floor. He can, he can set the table. What, what ,what you can do ? What, what ,what he can do ? I can, I can coo the meals. He can, he can answer the phone, What, what ,what she can do ? We are helpful ! She can, she can water the flowers. What, what ,what she can do ? She can, she can wash the clothes. * * *


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