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本科生毕业设计说明书题 目: 数控车床润滑系统设计 指导教师: 职称: 学生姓名: 学号: 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 院 (系): 机电工程学院答辩日期: 2015年6月24日摘要润滑系统被常称为机器的血脉。润滑及保养工作的质量不仅能影响到机器设备的寿命,而且关系到设备的安全运转。所以一个好的润滑系统及报警检测系统可以及时发现润滑故障,能够做到尽早进行维修,解决故障点,对延长机床的使用寿命有十分重要的意义[1]。但是在润滑系统的电气控制方面,迄今为止仍然存在着许多不足之处:一是在润滑系统工作状态监控方面。数控机床控制系统中一般仅设置油箱的油面监控,以防供油不足,而对润滑系统容易出现的漏油、输油管、阀门堵塞等现象,不能及时做出反应和处理。二是设置的润滑循环和给油时间单一,容易造成浪费。数控机床在不同的工作状态下,需要的润滑油剂量是不一样的,例如在机床暂停阶段就比机床空运行阶段和加工阶段所需要的润滑油油量要少。这样不仅造成了资源浪费提高了生产成本而且还污染环境,不仅如此,很多实验表明,当供油过量时与供油不足一样会对机床本身造成损坏。本文主要针对上述情况,在数控机床电气控制系统中,对润滑控制部分进行了改进设计。在润滑方式上选用了集中润滑系统,它能够提供的润滑范围广、润滑点数多,同时还能将摩擦产生的摩擦热带走等优点。在润滑系统的控制方式上采用的是PLC控制,它能够时刻监控润滑系统的工作状况,以保证机床机械部件得到良好润滑,并且还可以根据机床的工作状态,自动调整供油、循环周期,以节约润滑油,减低生产成本[2]。关键词:数控机床 润滑系统 PLC故障分析AbstractThe lubrication system is often called the blood of the machine. Lubrication and maintenance of the quality of the work can not only affect the service life of machinery and equipment, and relates to the safe operation of the equipment. So a good lubrication system and alarm system can be found in time lubrication failure, can repair as soon as possible, solve the point of failure, to extend the service life of machine tool has the very vital significance, but in the lubrication system of electrical control, so far there are still many shortcomings: one is working in the lubrication system condition monitoring. CNC machine tool control system in general only setting tank of oil level monitoring, in case of insufficient oil supply oil for lubrication system is easy to appear, the phenomenon such as pipeline, valve block, not react in time and processing. Second, setting of lubrication oil circulation and give time to a single, easy to cause waste. CNC machine tools in different work conditions, need lubricating oil dosage is different, for example in the machine tool suspended phase than empty machine tool operation and processing phase is smaller than the required amount of lubricating oil. This not only caused the waste of resources to improve the production cost but als


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