BEC中级口语Collaborative task discussion参考.ppt

BEC中级口语Collaborative task discussion参考.ppt

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BEC中级口语Collaborative task discussion参考

Part 3 Collaborative task discussion 2人组5分钟,3人组7分钟 1.讨论题目,做出决定。(2人组讨论2小问题并解决它们, 3人组讨论3个问题并解决这些问题,2人组约3分钟,3人组约4分钟) 2.回答一两个相关问题。(老师可能问一个问题,也可能问两个问题,老师可能只问其中一个考生问题,也可能问所有考生一个问题,2人组约1.5分钟,3人组约2分钟) 评分标准 内容---切题,完整(要完成的两点或三点都讨论过并做出了结论)。 交际功能---沟通充分,起始过渡和结尾自然。 语言---流利,准确,易懂。 Now, in this part of the test, you are going to discuss something together. (Hold the Part 3 booklet open at the task while giving the instructions below.) You will have 30 seconds to read this task carefully, and then about 3 /4 minutes to discuss and decide about it together. You should give reasons for your decisions and opinions. You don’t need to write anything. Is that clear? (Place the booklet open at task 22 in front of the candidates so they can both see it.) Recruiting Temporary Staff The company you work for is about to inform consumers about a fault with one of its products. It is expected that there will be a lot of enquiries. You have been asked for your ideas on recruiting staff to deal with these questions. Discuss the situation together and decide: What kind of people need to be recruited. What kind of training they will need. What kind of service should they provide.(3人组备用) 30 seconds later: I’m just going to listen and then ask you to stop after about three minutes. Please speak so that we can hear you.. 3 minutes later Can I have the booklet, please? (select one or more of the following questions as appropriate, to redress any imbalance between candidates in part 3, or to extend the discussion.) Back-up questions Do you think it’s useful to make recordings of telephone conversations between staff and customers? Why or why not? Do you think product quality will become more important in the future? Why or why not? Thank you. That is the end of the test. Notes ! 所有考生共用一本试题册,要确保大家都能看见题目(尤其是三人组)考生相互交流,不要看老师,看同伴。 考前熟悉题型和老师指令,到时不需要听老师的指令,可以节约时间用来看题。 看题时候,要有选择性,看标题,看情景,看问题,固定的套话就不用看了。 如果题目还没看完老师就让开始了,不要继续看,先读题,讨论第一个论题,等稍后再看第二点,oh, we als need to discuss低头看题。


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