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政府角色 Role of Government 卫生领域的政府干预 Government Intervention in Health Care Sector 政府干预医疗卫生的经济学理由 Economic Rationale for Government Intervention 市场失灵 Market failure 医疗卫生市场不能达到资源最有效配置 The inability of a health care market to achieve allocative efficiency 公共产品 Public goods 外部性 Externality 垄断 Monopoly 公共产品 Public Goods 每个人都可以消费且不能排除他人对其消费的产品或服务 A good or service each unit of which is consumed by everyone and from which no one can be excluded 搭便车 Free rider 私人产品 Private good 竞争性:如果你多享受一个单位的卫生服务,其他人就只能减少一单位的卫生服务。 Rivalry: if you consume the health service by one more unit, someone else has to consume one unit less 排他性:你可以将其他人排除在消费之外 Excludability: you can exclude others from using it 公共产品例子 Example of public good 国防、路灯 National Defense System, Street light 信息、技术 Information, technology 公共产品 Public Goods 外部性 Externality 交易过程,第三方支付成本或者获得利益,而这些成本或者受益并不在该交易双方当事人的考虑范围之内 A cost or a benefit arising from an economic transaction that falls on a third party and that is not taken into account by those who undertake the transaction 正外部性—外部收益 Positive externality-external benefit 政府必须补贴外部收益 Government should subsidize external benefit 负外部性—外部成本 Negative externality-external cost 政府必须对外部成本征税 Government should tax external cost 外部性 Externality 正外部性 外部性 Externality 负外部性 垄断 Monopoly 单个供应商(或者少数供应商)控制整个市场 A single supplier ( or few suppliers) controls the entire market 医疗卫生产品和服务 Health care goods and services 医院 Hospital 医药产品 Pharmaceutical product 价格管制 Price control 价格管制是减少垄断利润、降低垄断价格和减少社会福利损失的有效机制 市场的效率评价 消费者剩余(Consumer surplus):消费者购买一定数量商品实际愿


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