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摘  要 随着计算机技术的发展和推广,使现在很多企业都采用了网络管理系统,为网络管理系统发展提供了坚实的基础。网络管理系统是一个软硬件结合以软件为主的分布式网络应用系统,其目的是管理网络,使网络高效正常运行。 该系统采用了B/S结构模式,利用JSP技术,采用开源框架Spring,使用JDBC技术连接数据库。特别在登录安全问题,借助Web服务器Session对象,综合运用数据加密技术与图片验证码技术,增强Web用户登录安全策略。 此外,本论文详细介绍系统开发所用的主要技术,如:B/S结构,XML,JSP等。还介绍了软件体系统结构,系统各个功能模块的详细设计。另外针对网页面中文乱码问题进行了解决。最后对该网络管理系统做了总结,指出了系统的采用技术和经验,同时指出了系统存在的不足,并对今后进一步完善和研究工作进行了展望。 本系统功能清晰简单明了,其中主要包括了四大功能模块:派发任务模块、ICMP Poolling模块、入库模块和告警模块。最终为整个网络管理系统提供了一个分析ICMP数据包的结果。 关键词:JSP  网络管理  B/S结构模式  MVC  Spring ABSTRACT With the development and expansion of computer technology.Now many enterprise to adopt network management system for network management system development to provide the solid foundation.Network management system is a software and hardware combined with software primarily distributed network application system, its purpose is to network management ,network efficient normal operation. The system which adopts the B/S structure and the opened-source Spring , uses a technique of JSP. It uses JDBC technique to link database. In the safe of login’s problem, I analyze traditional Web login’s basic principle and its blemish. Using the Session object of the Web server, data encrypted technique and picture verify technique boost up user login safe strategy in the internet. In addition, it introduced some technology of developing the system, such as B/S structure ,XML,JSP etc. It introduced a software system structure and function of each module system for the detailed design. Also the Chinese garbled pages of issues are resolved. The system is a simple conclusion .The system of innovation pointed out the deficiencies of the system and will improve the research work and the prospect. This system function clear, simple mainly includes four functional modules: task modules distributed, ICMP Poolling modules , storage module and alarm module,. Final results for the network management a result of analysis ICMP packet. Key words:JSP  Network management  B/S  MVC  Spring 目  录 1 前  言 1 1.1 开发背景


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