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Image Analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost参考

本科生毕业论文(设计) 题  目 Image Analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost 姓  名 学号 院  系 外国语学院 专  业 英语 指导教师 职称 讲师 曲阜师范大学杏坛学院教务处制 Image Analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost A Thesis Submitted to Xingtan College Qufu Normal University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to Ms Liu Ping, my supervisor, who has given me constant and valuable advice, read my drafts through meticulously and offered incisive comments on them. Without her help, the thesis could never have reached its present form. I am also grateful to schoolmates who have made me improve a lot in English literature and have shown me the fascinating world of English language and western culture, given me valuable advice and polished the thesis as well. My sincere gratitude also goes to all my teachers who have given me excellent lectures and great help, which are indispensable to the completion of this thesis. I also give my hearty thanks to all my classmates who had offered generous help and useful suggestions in the process of writing this thesis. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all the writers whose works have been referred to in this thesis. 摘 要 《失乐园》中作者描画的撒旦形象在学界引起了广泛争议,《失乐园》不是针对一个国家或一个民族而写的,它的对象乃是整个人类,而且其中所牵涉的不只是人类而已,还有天使、魔鬼和神。而作者弥尔顿通过对撒旦堕落、反抗过程的描写赋予了魔鬼新的形象,也使我们重新认识了撒旦,了解当时的英国文化。一直以来,对撒旦的形象分析有很多,但是只是浅析撒旦变为英雄形象而非魔鬼,而没有从深层次上分析撒旦是怎样蜕变的,也没有深刻解析撒旦形象的转变与作者弥尔顿自身的关系是怎样的,并且是怎样发展的。本论文通过对作品诞生时代的分析解释争议的原因。并且通过对失乐园中堕落主人公形象——撒旦的分析,来研究弥尔顿在长诗中表达的撒旦也可以成为不畏强权的英雄形象的主题思想, 及本篇诗歌中表达的撒旦的自由精神。 关键词:《失乐园》;撒旦;反抗;自由精神 ABSTRACT Satan’s image in Paradise Lost in the academic world has aroused widespread controversy. Paradise Lost is not written for a country or a nation, but for the whole human race. It involved not just humans, but also angels, the devil and God. Through the fall of Satan and the description of t


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