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Performance measurement systems and design参考

12.1.3 Drill down reports Allow users to slice and dice reports based on the characteristics and key figures defined in the reports. Very easy to use in comparison 12.1.4 Exception reports The key to using exception reports successfully is setting the parameters carefully. The reports are best used to monitor aspects of performance which are important to an organisation’s success. Homework 41, 43 * 1917-2001,an American polymath who won the Nobel in economics in 1978 with a new theory of decision making and who helped pioneer the idea that computers can exhibit artificial intelligence that mirrors human thinking. Mr. Simon also won the A. M. Turing Award for his work on computer science in 1975 and the National Medal of Science in 1987. In 1993, he was awarded the American Psychological Associations award for outstanding lifetime contributions to psychology. 详尽可能性模型 * * 狭义云计算指IT基础设施的交付和使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需资源;广义云计算指服务的交付和使用模式,指通过网络以按需、易扩展的方式获得所需服务。这种服务可以是IT和软件、互联网相关,也可是其他服务。云计算的核心思想,是将大量用网络连接的计算资源统一管理和调度,构成一个计算资源池向用户按需服务。提供资源的网络被称为“云”。“云”中的资源在使用者看来是可以无限扩展的,并且可以随时获取,按需使用,随时扩展,按使用付费。云计算的产业三级分层:云软件、云平台、云设备。 8.2 Dual-process framework In psychology, a dual process theory provides an account of how a phenomenon can occur in two different ways, or as a result of two different processes. Often, the two processes consist of an implicit (automatic), unconscious process and an explicit (controlled), conscious process. Dual process models are very common in the study of social psychological variables, such as attitude change. Examples include Petty and Cacioppos Elaboration Likelihood Model and Chaikens Heuristic Systematic Model. According to these models, persuasion may occur after either intense scrutiny or extremely superficial thinking. In cognitive psychology, attention and working memory have also been conceptualized as relying on two distinct processes. 8.2 Dual-process framework Cognitive ability and motivational factors Relevant 8.2.1 For management accountant


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