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1. 弟子规,圣人训 (学生的规矩,是圣人的训诲.) The Rules for Students are the Sage’s teachings. 2. 首孝弟, 次谨信 (首先要对父母好和对长者尊敬,然后要恭谨和诚信.) First be good to parents and respect elders; next be reverent and trustworthy. 3. 泛爱众,而亲仁 (广泛地爱众人;而且亲近仁人.) Love everyone and become close with the kind- hearted. 4. 有余力,则学文 (如果有剩余的力量,就学习书本.) If there’s energy left over, then study books. 5. 右总叙 (右边[以上] 是总结.) To the right (the preceding) is the summary. 6.父母呼,应勿缓 (父母呼唤时,回应不要缓慢.) When parents call, don’t be slow to answer. 1. 7. 父母命,行勿懒 (父母发出命令时就要执行,不要懒惰.) When parents give an order, act, don’t be lazy. 8. 父母教,须敬听 (父母教导时,要恭敬地听.) When parents teach, one must listen respectfully. 9. 父母责,须我承 (父母责备时,我要承受/接受.) When parents reprimand, one must accept. 10. 冬则温,夏则清 (冬天要温暖,夏天要清凉.) In winter be warm; in summer be cool. 11. 晨则省,昏则定 (早晨要省察自己,黄昏要安定下来.) In the morning think over your conduct; in the evening settle down. 12. 出必告,返必面 (出外必定告诉父母,回来必定见父母一面.) When leaving one must tell one’s parents; upon returning one must see ones parents face-to face. 13. 居有常,业无变 (起居有定时,事业不改变.) There should be regularity in one’s daily life, and no change in one’s career. 14. 事虽小,勿擅为 (虽然是小事,都不能任意擅为.) Though a matter may be small, don’t act arbitrarily. 15. 苟擅为,子道亏 (如果任意擅为,儿子应该遵循的正道便亏损了.) If


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