图形处理1Introduction to image processing.ppt

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图形处理1Introduction to image processing

Lecture1:Introduction to Digital Image Processing Li Zhonghai Lecture Outline ? Applications of image processing ? Image formation and perception(感知) ? Image representation ? Matrix/Matlab primer(基础) ? Image processing demos Application Areas of Image Processing ? Purpose of image processing – Improvement of pictorial(绘画的) information for human interpretation(编码) – Processing of image data for storage, transmission, and representation for autonomous machine perception Typical application areas – Television Signal Processing – Satellite Image Processing – Medical Image Processing – Robot Control – Visual Communications – Law Enforcement(执行) Television Signal Processing Image brightness, contrast, color hue(色彩) adjustment Television image enhancement High Definition(清晰度) TV (HDTV) Satellite Image Processing Remote sensing Climate Geology Land resource Flood monitor(监控) Medical Image Processing ? Images are acquired to get information about Anatomy(解剖学) and Physiology(生理学) of a patient – Ultra Sound (US) – Magnetic resonance(共振) Imaging – Positron(正电子) Emission Tomography (层析成像法)(PET) – Computer Tomography (CT) – XRays Robot Control ? Automatic inspection(检测) ? Unmanned operations – Autonomous Vehicle driving Mars Rover Visual Communication Videophone Tele-conferencing(会议) Tele-shopping Video coding Video transmission Law Enforcement ? Biometric identification technology – Fingerprint – Face recognition – Iris Important words Recognition 采集,捕获 Resolution 决定,分辨率,鉴别度 Restoration 恢复,再造 Enhancement 增进,增强 Compression 压缩,加压 Morphological 形态学的 Segmentation 分段,分割 Recognition 识别,分辨 Components in Digital Image Processing Image Formation ? Light source (λ: wavelength of the source) – E(x, y, z, λ): incident(入射光) light on a point (x, y, z world coordinates of the point) Each point of the scene has a reflectivity(反射) function. – r(x, y, z, λ): reflectivity function Image Formation Light reflects from a point and the reflected light is captured by a


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